On the Excellen t) of ch rifi.
what a God bee Is that it hath to deal with t Shall not that ex
cellency op his that hathbeen opened untoyou, makeyouafraid,
and caufe you to fear jack a God
Now thenhaving fpoken
fomewhat aboutthe Excellency of God , and whatapprehepfi-
ins wee are tohave of God in all our wayes-, wee are now to
fpeak, fomewhat concerning the
and fo
flew you what apprehenjions youare to have of Jeftts. th r ift.
For this is eternal life, to know thee, and thy Son
to know
and not toknowhim in Chrift , is to very’little purpofe.
If is no faving knowledge of God, if wee were able to dif-
courfe never fo much of him , except wee kjtow him in fefrn
Chrift, .in his Son.
And' therefore for the knowledge of
Chrift, which I f a l l endeavour to prefent as briefly as I
did the knowledge of God, You may bee pleafed to turn
to that Scripture in
Ifaiah p.
part of
verf.6. onely in thefe
A nd his Name fhaH bee called Wonderful\ .
F you read thisverfe, and that that follows , you might
think that you,wore rather reading an Evarigelift, than a
Prophet, one rather relating a Hiftoryof what was done
than a Prophecie of what was to bee done.
here pro-
phefies clearlyof Chrift, as if hee had been come at that
time, and yet it wasbetween feven and eighthundred years
before the coning of Chrift that this Prophecie was,
Unto us
a chide is born,untous a Son is given,and the Government (hall
bee upon his flrm ld erA n d his Name {hall bee called Won
But it is the ufual way of Scripture to fet before us
thingsto bee done,as if theywere already done, to note the
certainty of what God reveals to beedone, and faith will
make things that are not, to bee, as if they were really pre
fent. And indeed, faith never hath a proper workfo much
asm this
in makingthitigs that are not prefent, to bee as if
they wereprefent, to.makg them real. It was a time of
great diftrefs and trouble to the Church God, when: this.
ProphecieWa s a s will appear from-the fevench, Chaprer