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T HE CONTENTS. Page 9 In regard ofpenalties 147 OIM..___.... , SERMON I1. Priviledgey of the Saints All their bufznefs are in the Court if Qhriß 152 2 They are all free men 153 3 They have free trade to heaven ib. 4 Theybave right to all the Ordi- nances of Christ ib. 5 They have his proteion 154 6 They fball have certain vittory over their enemies ib. 7 They are all Kings ib. 8 They have peace and joy in the holy (Atli 155 9 7bey have right to the gifts and graces of all the Saints 156 a They are coheirs with Chrifi 157 Why Chrifts Kingdom is not of this world i Becaufe be would confound the wifdorn of the world 157 2 Becaufe be delights to exercife ß? thegraces ofhis Saints ib. 3 That his power and wifdom may appear the moreglorious 158 Application Life i There is a happineß be- yond the things of this world 159 Their worldv,alled An evil world i6o Page 2 The Devil is called the god of it ibid 3 Thepomp of it is not ofthe Fra tber ibid 4 Itsglory is but dari neß ibid 5. it knows not God 161 6 It lies in wiel ednef ibid 4,4.44440?444444.4 PSALM, 17.14.. .l X7 Opened Do&tine, There are men to whom. God gives fame outward: good for a while, and this-is all they are like to have 2 98 Arguments cf Gods love to Saul &c. 300 Ex,plication I Why God deals outfometbing to wickedmien 304 i They are His Creatures ib 2 Their time of life is Gods patience ibid 3 It is their day 305 4 They do fometbing for God here ibid To thew them what little good is in this world 3o6 6 He bath time encugb to ma- nifefl bit jtsflice upon them hereafter or 7 He fhews what great thins He bath rcferved for His Children ,o8 S G, d z95 5