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94 Gclpel-G'flnverfation. (brill to hold forth a preaching pattern offelf-denial to the world : And there's a great deal more power in the pattern and example of felt-denial, then in the commands offeif-de. nial, I only prefent this to thew you that it is the molt unbefee- ming the Gofpel for any one that proteges the Gofpel ro be fel- viih, altogether fcraping for themfelves; and what foever fervice they are put upon except felf may have an oare in jt, they have no mind to it ; Oh'tis becoming theGofpel ofJefus Chrift for men and women to be emptied of themfelves, no matter what becomes of our felves, but bewilling to give up our felves for publick good, to venture your elates and lives, and all your comfort, yea to be fwallowed up in the glory ofgod; to be nothing ,that Chrift may be all. In the Gofpel ofChrift,, we find that Chrift he was fwallowed up with the glory ofhis Father; and he carne not to doe his own will, but thewill of his father that fent him ; and though hewas one that had in- finitely more excellency than all men and Angels in Heaven and Earth, yet he was content for, the honor ofhis Father to be made as a worm and no man, to be trampled under foot, to endure the greatel,extremities of all forts; this holds out an example to us, thar while we live in this world we fbould be taken offfrom our felves : Oh this felf-love flickes much in the hearts of men and women : now upon the example ofChrils Pelf-denial, we are requiered to deny our felves, and it is the proper leffon of the.Gofpel, He that willfollowme, let him deny himfelf; you never read of fuch a precept in all theold Tela- ment ; ( though no ,quelion the peopleof Goddid deny them- (elves then,) but in exprefre terms fo fully you have not fuch a thing there : and there's no fuch rules among the Hea- thens for a man to deny himfelf, Let him deny himje f; thofe that know the Original, know that the word is, not only to tent' but there is that joyned to it that doth encreafe the figni- fication, let them deny themfelves, throughly, there is a prepo- fition put to the word, to Mew that thofe that will come to Chrift muft deny themfelves, and that throughly, it is a proper leffonof the Gofpel and the fiat leffon. Oh whenour Lord and Mater had thus denied himfelf, and emptied himfelffor good to us, what is befeeming this Gofpe), but that all that are pro- £effors