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.00101--. Gofpel-Converjation. 97 fouls to God as a living facrifice, therefore fuch men and wo- men as altogether are for the out-fide of things in the worship of God, and becaufe God hath appointed but a few things in his worship ; we have ufe of noother creature in the worship.. ping of God, but meerly the Bread andWine, andWater, on- ly thefe elements ; and the Man to fpeak to us, to be either Gods mouth tous, or our mouth to God ; there's all we have appointed in the Gofpel for the worshipof God ; therefore it is expected ifwe wouldhave our Converfationbe as becomes the Gofpel, tobe very fpiritual inour worfhip, and therefore to take heed of thinking to makeupGods worship with external things of ourown, that'sexceedingly unbefeeming the Gofpel Many thought in former times, they did honor God much by adding to His Worship ceremonies, external things ; and peoples hearts are fet mot upon them, becaufe theyare from man, they arehumane : I'le givie youbut one Scripture to fhew howwe lhould forever take heedof traditions of men, and of mixtures in the Worshipof God,becaufe that the Gofpel points at fpiritual worship : That place in i Pet. r. 18. Forafmuch as ye /fnoW thatyewere not redeemedwithcorruptible things,as_giverand gold : fromwhat ? fromyour vainConverfations received by tradi- tions fromyourfathers; but With the preciousbloodofChrift, as ofa Lambwithout blemifh and Without Jot. See what an argument the Apofile ufes here unto thofe he writ to, faith he, There was a time that you worfhiped God in an external way, and in a fuperflitious manner, according to the traditions and fancies of your fathers, this was before you knew Jefus Chrit ; but (faith he) now you come to know Jefus Chrit, know itwas the blood ofJefus (hrift that was fhed to redeemyou from this vain Converfation that you received by tradition from your forefathers. I donot know any one Scripture hath more po- wer in it to take offmens hearts from all falfe and fuperflitious worfhip, from all old cutoms that they had from their forefa- thers, (as people are mightily fet upon old cufloms, to wor- fhip God according co them what a fir anddo hadwe to get off men from their lateService-Book (the great Diana of England) which was made up of the ends and fhreds ofthe Romifh Mats- >? Book