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.. -..01c.,di.r..r.r,. ss .r 96 Gofpel- Converfttion. :tit,. 444? 4,!¡ Rg.A. *PitIt r 4*44 U á 44 4 43 . 1 SERMON VI. PHIL. I.27. Only letyour Coniverfat oii be as becomes the goffel ofaril?. 4,?° ,k^He Ninth thing that the Gofpel holds forth is this .That F ` our Converfation fhould befutable tofpiritual worfhip,the a fpiritual worjhipinç ofGod. The woifhip that there was in the time of the Law, it was carnal in compari Con of what there is in the time of the Gofpel: And therefore a great part of the wor- ship ofGod is called,a carnal commandement, and rudiments ofthe World,and beggerly things ; If you reade the 2. of Colofars,there youhave firange expreffions about that which was even the wor- íhip ofGod : and fo in the HebreWs divers times. But now you knowwhat Chrifl faith in fohn q.. to the woman of Samaria,The hour cometh whenye jhall neither in this Mountain, noryet at ?erafa- lem warfhip the Father: But the hour cometh,when the true Wo í pipers Thal worfhip the Father infpirit and in truth: forfuch the Fatherfeeks to worfhip him. We muff not think to woríhip God in such car- nal waies as before. I befeechyou confider this one thing, Cer- tainly God wil have as much worfhip in the time of theGofpel, as ever He had : But where we have one external thing towor- Ihip God in now, in the time of the Law there was an hundred, an hundred to one of external things : yet now this worthip of God mull be made up force way ; we are not cal'd to thofe out- ward worfhipingsofferings, facritices, and cofíly things as they were in the time of the Law; now, how íhould this be made up but in fpiritual facrifices, in perfenting our bodies and fouls