Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

Go1eel-Converfation. 103 live thus, who have the Spirit of God dwelling inme, yea and I dwelling in the Spirit ofGod, and joyned fo as to beone fpirit with God, yea and to live in God, and to be one with God, as theFather and the Son is one ? and is this converlation fuch as befeems one that is railed to fuch a height of honor as this is ? Chriflians, remember this, it wil be a mighty help to your ho- lyConverfations, to put you on toThine before men in a holy Converfation, to walk in the Spirit, confidering the near union we have with God ; we Mould never have known thefe things had we not had them revealed to us by the gofpel. Oh this glorious gofpel that bath revealed fuch glorious things to us as this is. And then, Our relation and ortr ttniof With 7efis Chri#. You know the Scripture makes Chrift fomtin%es to be the Root, and we the Branches, therefore we : are to bring frth fruit, Teeing that we are Branches in Hitrt that is the Root : Bring forth fruit futable to the Sap. You that bring forth fdwir grapes', grapes of Gomorrah that have bitter tart fptrits, àrrtlolive in any wic- ked and fulfill tv y : Is thistltt gaekt is r44ble to theRoot ? You are gtaffed- into Jel'tis ChriÌî;i, it a Crab-flock And do you receive this Sag froin. theKO& ? Oh you are a dif- honor to the Root you' grow upon. Iam'the truce Vine (faith Chrifl,) and every Branch inme beareth f rit,and "My Father ptergetb it ,that it mdy kra?rgfoi-th more.fr°ssit. iriftia4 s Thould fo live in their Cò rtv'rlaei s as to manifett the fulr.els of the Sap and. juyce thatthefelsin the Root, the Lord )efiis Chrifl; it's not enough here andthere to have a leaf, and a grape or two, but full ripe cluflers ofgrapes becomes thofe that grow upon fuch a fruitful Root. _ And then-0u know, Chrift i, the. Head; and e the Members. Then dOnotdilionor your Head : When there is a tempration comes to any'fin, but will not this be a difhonor to my Head ? do I receive filch a fpirit !total the Head to ad after fuch a finful courfe ? &t11e net at owh of'tl orris toiyour Head Tefus Ch and tfie i ibil'is very Iteat'; fcjelt is not only that we are Members Of Ck'rifl, anti fo We arelitiGhtill ; but Chrift in us : the Root is not in tl é Branch, thóugh the Branches be in the Root : and theHead is n(rtln theMembers, though the Head be joyncd