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tob Go ffiel-Converfation. t Firft, It muff be contrary to found Doctrine, for (faith he) `They that are fuch,ferve not our Lord Jefus Chrift, but their `gown belly, and bygood words,and fair fpeeches, deceive the "hearts of the Pimple : The Apoftie could take it upon his con- fcienceby feeing thebehavior of thefe men that the caufe why they differed from others, it was not out of tendernefs of confci- ence and delire to know the mindof God, but by their behavior he faw enough to fatisfie his confcience, their Converfation gave their Profeffion the lye ; and therefore (faith he) avoidfuch. So I confefs,ifmen can take it upon their confciences,as they would anfwer to Jefus Chrift ; I fee fuch and fuch men to differ thus, but I can appeal to Chrift in it,that upon thefe and thefe grounds I am perfwaded it is not out of tendernefs of confcience, and I amverily perfwaded that there is no willingnels in them toknow themind of Chrift, but it is to ferve their own carnal ends, and purpofes. I confefs if we can take this upon our confci- ences as we will anfwer it to Jefus Chrift, that there are fuch and fuchgrounds upon which we beleeve Chriftwill fo account, that fuch men do not differ through their tendernefs but from their own carnal ends, thefe men may be accounted Schif- maticks This is the fin ofSchifm, when through want of love and to ferve their ownby-ends,men fhall.rend one from another: But now is it polTible to think that the holy Ghoft fhould lay fo great a load (as to command the Saints to avoid fuck per- fons) uponmenwh.ofe confciences are upright with God, lure when a man fhall be able to appeal to God, and fay, Lord, thou that knçweft all things., knoweft that it is the delire of my foul to know thy will, and I fearch for it, and pray for it, and, it is the afili.ction ofmy foul that I differ in any thing; from my brethren that I fee tobe godly, and ifI knew thy mind, thou knoweft I would quickly dole with them, and account it the greateft happinefs that can befall me in this life to ,fluke hands with them in fuch and fuch particulars ; But thouhaft laid this . charge upon me,, that I mull do what I do out of faith, and I Ibould fin againít that Rule of thine ifI fhould yeeld to that that I fee no footing for out ofthyWord. Now ifa foul fhouldmake this moan toJefus Chrift, do you think that Chrift would ac- count this man a Schifmatick ? and that he Mull be avoided and vet:.