Burroughs - BS2705.4 B87 1653

AMA MARAMAAMMAAAMMAAAA E A D E R,Thouhaft here the Namesofthe Books that are lately publiíhed ofMr. JeremiahBurroughs : As aifo the TextsofScripture upon which they areground ed. V I Z. I. An ExpofLion with Pra&ical Obfervations on the 4, 5, 6; 84 7. Chapters of H o S E A. 2. ATreatife ofEAR T H L It M IN D E D N E s: Wherein is fhetred: I.What Earthly-mindedneflis, 2. The great evil thereof, on Phil. 3. part ofthe 19. verf . Alfa to thefame Bookis joyned a Treatifs of Heavenly-mindednefs, andwalking with God, on Gen. 5.24. AndonPhil. 3. 20. 3 The rare J E w E t ofChriftian C o N T E N r MEN T, on Phil. 4.11. Wherein is /hewed : 1. What Contentment is, 2. ft is an holy Art and Myflerie, 3. The Excellenciesof it 4. Theevil oftbe con- traryfin of-Murmuring, and:leAgravations ofit. 4 G o s P E LW o B. s H i p, on Levït. 10.3. Wherein is (hewed : I. The right manner ofthe Worfhip of God in general: 2. And particu- larly, in Hearing the Word, Receiving the Lords Sapper, And Prayer. 5. GoSPELCONVERSATIoN, Oil Philip. I.27. Wherein is 'hewed: I. That the Converfation of Beleevers mull be above what could be by the light of Nature, 2. Beyondtbofe that livedunder the Law, 3. Andlistable towhat Truths the Gof7el holdsforth.To which is added. The Mifery of tholeMen that have their Portion in this Life only ; on Pfal. 17.14. All which arepubliflied by Thomas Goodwin,) WilliamBridge, Sydrach Sirnfon, John Yates, William Greenhil,5 William Adderly. All printed by Peter Cole, at thePrinting-Pre( inCortihil, at the R.oyal Exchange,.In LoNDooN,