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16/1Mmor. 156 Goffiel-Converfatáon. is the root ofall trouble. We may (through the bleffing of God upon Armies, Parliament, we may ) come to have out ward peace, that is, fredom from outward troubles ; Oh but theremay be vexation and trouble in our fpirits in the mean time. But Chrifis peace is efpecially in the confcience and heart, within doors; we may have peace here mixt with abundance offin and wickednefs : it may be procured in a finfull way, or it may be the caufe of much fin ; but my peace is a holy peace, it doth further holinefs wherefoever I give it, my peace is a hafting and a fiable peace ; peace here may be but for a few months, but my peace fhall be eternally, I give peace, not as the world, that is the fruit of the kingdom of Chrift : So the truth is, though there be many outward affliaions attend the Kingdom of Quiff, yet the kingdom ofChrift is alwayes in peace and in joy of the holy Ghoft. That is a priviledge which we can ne- ver be crowned with but in the kingdom of Chrift, as we can never enjoy peacebut here, all the peace that mens confciences have till they come under the kingdom of Chrift it will turn togreater trouble, that peace they have and live loofly, not be- ing fubdued to the kingdomof Chrift will turn to horror and mifery ; and fo the joy that there is in the world it will turn to forrow andvexation; 'tis propper to the kingdom of Chrift to have joy in the holyGhoft ; thoumayeft have joy in thy cups, joy in thy dillies, joy in thy mirthandwicked company, but ids propper to the kingdom of Chrift to bring joy unpfeakable and glorious unto the foul; the foul never knows experimentally what the joyof the holy Ghoft means, till it comes under the kingdom ofJefus Chrift, it's the priviledge of the kingdom of Chrift tobring fpiritual peace which paffeth all underftanding, and joy in the holy Ghoft. Ninthly, This is a priviledg in thekingdomof Chrift, That all that are in His Kingdom have right to all the gifts and graces of all the Saints in the world : Whether Paul, or Apollos,or Cephus or Life or Death," all is yours, for you are Chrifts, and Chrift is Gods: Theyhave (I fay) right to al,al the gifts of al the Minifters of the world, and the graces of all the Saints they work for good unto them, Tenthly