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Goiel-Converfation. 157 Tenthly and laílly, They are anlHeave of them. Thus Crifls immor- tal Crown ofglory, that is laid up Kingdom is not ofthis world, feen priviledges gy eyes of faith, for they d the worlds, which can only be by the are fpiritual and glorious priviledges. Vie ifyou afk me why it is that God the father would not have His Son to hav1e t lChri all the this nt oftthis ly God might have given might have made Him t the EoPh °é been pomp in an externall way, and all and glory here below ; but God would not have the kingdom ofHis Son here in thisworld for thefe reafons, Anf. Rift, Becaufe that hereby v vanity oflall the things the of this dom of the world, and thew Y prefent world, and the follórld the upon thee thingsas upon the things of this w , we great things, but God bath íhewed that he doth not look upon them as greatïmatters, but as things that have not have His Son and. excellency in them, and therfore He would have His kingdom here ofj ; then lur.lonbtedly were Chrift excellent things here as me dream of, thould have had His kingdom oñn °S world tle;w but fd maof rtes and might confound all the glory a non-plus ld world, therefore he would go another about t gloryofh God Name fo order things that He would fetch He and thofe great things that be did. that n from é lh hiddenfrom would fetch them about in way the eyes of the world, ina wañd that he would bypthesrrebulee contempti- ble in the eyes of the world, Marne all the prid, folly, and vanityof the world, there is no greater rebuk ofthe prid, folly and vanity of the world than in my Text here, that faith, the kingdomof 7efiss Chrif is not of this world. Secondly, Becaufe theLord delights fo most thesofer ifeof the graces of His Spirit,thefpirituall g of the there's nothing that is ab extra of His Spirit illigthte® full toHirn than the exercifes thegraces hearts of His Saints (excepting what is in thePerfon of1Crif l