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s-,r*..rcs-.....**._. °".. Goffiel-C®nmerfatipn. S. V/',Hence this Kingdom,if it be not [of] this world, then it dothnot depend upon ti' is world ; become of the world what will , the Kingdom of Chrift will go on. Nden are afraid, Oh ! if the Enemies fhould prevail, and overcome and take away our Civil Rights, Oh then the Kingdom of Chrift, what will become of that ? Let us not be too folicitous about that, for the Kingdom of Chrift is of another world there is no fuch dependance of the Kingdom ofChrift upon the Kingdoms of this world, but though they were broken, the kingdom of Chrilt would fublìft. We indeed should labor to pveferve our Civil Liber- ties as much as we can, yea and our Civil Liberty in exercife of Religion in a War-like way, and I fhould wonder that any fhould miflake in that, when as this bath been fo decla- red from the beginningof the War to this time, that we may fight for the Civil Liberty we have to the peacable prance and profeßîon of our Religion, fo far we may, and that bath been the ground of our War: had we indeed lived in fuch a Country, as the Chriftians in the primitive times, where the Governors and the generality of the Country had beenagainft it, then indeed the taking upof Arms, might have been very queflionable; but nowwhen we live in fuch a place where our Civil Laws are for the proteion of us in the praice of our Religon, if any will come anddifturb us, we may take up Arms becaufe we have a right to the profeflion of it, by the Laws of the kingdom, as we have to our Houles, Lands, and Eftates, (but that by the way;) But that is the thing I aim at in this ufe : that thoughour Civil Rght fhould be loft, yet the kingdomof Chrift would go on for all that : Heb. 12. 28. that is a kingdom that cannot be fhaken. At thole times when the Magiftrates were the greateft enemies unto the kingdoms ofChrift : yet even then the kingdom of Chrift went on as fully as ever it bath done lince that time, but the Magifirats may he helps, and there is a promife that Kings thall be nurfing fathers, amd Queens nulling mo- thers to theChurch,but yet fo it fel out that at the tuft when the