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GoBiel-Cotsverfittion. 37 curfeyou, youmuff do good to them that hate you, andpray for them that defpightftillyufe you and perfecute you; Can you find this ? this is somewhat like the Goel ofChrist, this is fome- what more than to do nowrong to others. And to do a.s . we would be done to, we muff go higher, we enuft not onlie fet this as a pattern, l' le do as Iwould be done 6y, No, Brat Z'le labour to doto another as Godbath done to me. This is higher; that's thus, hath God fhewed';imfelf gracious un- to me ? Ile labour to do that good to others as much as I am able even as God bath done to me : You have for that thofe twoScriptures, Ephef. 4. 3 1,3 2. Let all bisternefs, andwrath,and anger, and clamor, andevilfpeakingbe pit away fromyou with all malice, and beyekindone towards another, tender hearted, forgiving one another. The light of Nature now will juftifie all this : But': mark the conclufion, Even as God for Chrifts fake bathforgiven you : Set the example ofGod before you, what God hath done for you for Chrifts fake, and let that be the great motive ; Do not only argue thus, well, I would be forgiven if had offen- ded ; and I would not have another to bear anger and malice againft mee, and therefore I will not be angrie with them nor malign them ; this is a low principle : but ifI find that this is revealed in the Gofpel, that the Lord for Chrifts fake bath for- given me, and it's this that quietsmy pailìon, when .I feel my corruption riling and flirting againft any that bath offended me, when I do but thinkof Gods mercie in forgiving me for Chrifis fake, this quiets me. I this is fomewhat like as becomes the GofpelofChrift, when we walk upon fuch principles as thefe are. And fo you have it in Col. 3.13. Forbearing one another,and forgiving one another : Ifany man have a quarrel againftany, even as Chrift forgiveyou, fo alfo cloy', It is very unbefeeming fuck as profefs the Gofpel of Christ to be quarrelfome with their neighbonrs : Now you íhall have fome that are ofvery meek and quiet difpofitions naturally, I love to live quiet (fay tome men :) thus far thou maieft come by the light of Nature not to love toquarrel : But now when any doth caufe any quarrel,' doff thou labor to quiet the quarrel upon this ground : Even as Christ forgave me : O I have found the Lord Christ, not withstandingmy wretchedness againfl Him, and all the wrong I have