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38 Gofiel-Converfiction. I have done Him, He bath forgiven me, and therefore feeing Chrift will not take advantage againff me as He might, I will not take advantage againif another::- Is it upon this ground And doff thou raife thy `Converfation with thy Neighbor in keeping from quarrelfomnefs, and contentioufnefs, doll thou raife it to this height, upon this ground, fo to forgive as Chrifl bath forgiven you ) I will not forgive only in this particular, or in this lefs offence, Buta4 Chrirhdth forgivenme. We mall í6ll have further occafion to mention Mete -things, in opening the futablenefs of our Converfations to the Gofpel ; that is, for the point of Juffice, it Mull rife higher than that ofdoing as we wouldbe done by. And then for groffe fins, thou keeçeft from them, thou than keff God, thou art no Swearer, noDrunkard, ino Whoremon= ger, filch kind of notorious fins thou art not guilty of ; but what art thou in refpea of inward fins ? what art thou in re-.. fped of fecret fins ? Mark that Scripture in 1Glatth. 5.20. faith. Chrift there, Ifay untoyou, That exceptyour righteóstfnefs fballex- reed the righteoufnefs cfthe Scribes tnd Phzri,fees, you fbal1 in ne cafe enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. We (hall likewife fpeak fur- ther of this, when we open that of the Law, that our Conver- fations muff rife higher than the Converfations of thole did that lived under theLaw, orelfe it doth not become the Gofpel of Chrifl. You (hall find further in the Chap. how Chrifl would' raife themhigher than meerly not to commit adulterie, or to be openly prophane : Verfe. 27. Ye have heard that it was Paid by themof old time,Thou (halt not commit adultery.But trayunto. you,That whofoever looketh on a woman,to lull after her,hath cmitedadultery with her already in his heart. And if right eke Offend thee,pluck it out andcafl it from thee : for it is profi table for thee that one of thy members (hould perifb,& not that tl rwhol body (hould becall into Hell. And then,if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off. And fo in the point of Anger,in the 2L&22,verf. Ye have heard,that it was raid by them ofold time. Thou (halt not kill:& whofoever (hall kill,fhall be in danger of the Judgment.But I fay unto you,That whofoever is angry with his brother without a. caufe,(hall be in danger ofthe judgment: &whofoever fhall fay unto his brother,Racha,fha11 be in danger- ofthe councel:but whofoever thall fay