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Góll orrtjerlat s. 63 Ching that they would with all lowlinefi, meeknefs, and 'long- fuffering, forbear one another in love; for you are called to the profeflion ofthe Gofpel, and there you have the loveof theFa- ther, and of Chrift fet forth unto you : now would you walk worthyof this calling ? then let there be much meeknefs, and forbearingone another in love; In Epbef5.2. AndMalkin love, as Chrift alfo path loved us, and bathgiven himfiffor us, an o fe- ring andafacrifzce to Godforaftceetfinellíngfavour : Walk in love as Chrift hath loved us,that is, futable ; as ifthe Apoftle should fay, would youwalk futable to the Gofpel ofChrift that you profefs ? t'Valkin love then as Chrift bath lovedu , this is a prin- cipal thing. In the Gofpel you come to know the love of Chrift otherwife thanother men do know it, therefore walk in love, Ylralhin love as Chrifl'hath loved us, make the love ofChrift to be a pattern for your love; there is nothing (as I toldyou) that is more unbefeeming the Gofpel of Chrift, than a hateful,mali- tious,rugged,dobftar difpofition, than for Chrillians to be tea- ring one another, & falling out one with another,as thofe beafts at Ephefrtis that Paul complains of ; Oh this is infinitely unbe- feeming the Gofpel of Chrift : Do you knowwhat the love of God means in Jefus Chrifl?are you fenuible ofthe love ofChriff Oh this love fhould fweeten your hearts that there fhould be no more bitternefs in you, but you fhould live in this Element oflove. Saith an Ancient, what doth beaflly fiercenefs and cruelty, and favigenefs do in the breaft of a Chriftian ? it is un- befeeming thename ofa Chriflian, Therefore let your Conver- fation be as becometh the Gofpel of Chrift, that holds forth love ; Oh let therebe much love in you, be you afted by love in all your waies, fo that they that run may ready this new Commandement whichChrift left unto his followers, That the) love one another indeedand in truth. Secondly, The Gofpel ofChrift it holdsforth ehis, The infl- nit willingnefs ofGod to beat peace withman-hind, to be reconciled unto man,unto thole who haveoffendedhim, yea to thofe who areene- mies unto him: This is the fcope of the Gofpel, (a principal fcope) I fay God would in the Gofpel make known toall the world his infinite willingnefs to be reconcil'd to fuch as have offended him : Indeed without the Gofpel we might apprehend this,