Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

Go f lion. 6 t in Cant. q.. 7. Thou art allfair my love, there is no fpot in thee, no fpot in thee ; there are fpots in refpe& ofSanatfication , yea, but in refpe& of fafiifcation it may be faid of her, There is nofpot it all in thee; Thou art all fair my Love, it is thewords of Chrift, he comes forth and (ayes, Thou art all fair my Love : Alas, when the ß_liever looks upon himfeit, his own duties and performances, he fees nothing at all but fpots, all befinear'd- and befpatter 'd allover ; why, though thou lookeft on thy félf befpotted, yet Chrift looks upon thee without fpot, and God the Father looks upon thee through Chrift without fpot, and [ayes, Thou art all fair,.there is no [pot in thee ; thou thinkeft is may be, that if God fhould make a difcovery of thy heart to all thy Chriftian friends and acquaintance , thou wouldft ap- pear fo foul, that they would calf thee out of their fociety,artd never have to do with thee more ; yet for all this, Chrift Cayes, Thou art ailfair, there is no f pot at all in thee. Juftification ad- mits ofno degrees, no not in Heaven, thou art not more fled- there than thou art here ; thou art now as perfe&ly ¡u- nified as ever, and accepted of Chrift as ever : Sanctification is renewed day by day , it being a wörk ofGod within us, we in- creafe in it daily ; but Juffification is a work of God without us,. and fo is perfe&ed at once;and hence then this makes a pardoned foul'bleffed, becaufe pardon of fin is of fuch a nature, that it is a perfeci work. Hence then I will but touch it. Here is, r.. Abundance ofcomfort to a pardoned foul, though thdu art, weak, in Sart&ification, and it troubles thee to think, how far, thou comeft fhort of Abraham's faith, Mofès his meéknefs,, David's love, Paul's zeal, Solomon's wifdom, and. 'fob's pati- ence ., yet this know, that thou art equal in Juffification with. Abraham, Moffs, David, and all the Prophets ;. and this may be a mighty comfort to thee againft the weaknefs of thySan&i, fication. 2. This Could be a mighty ingagement upon thyfpirit ., Has, God made thee equal to them in Juftification ? how íhouldft' thou labour to be like to them in San&ification ? think thus- -with thy fel , Is the mercy of God fo richand gloriousto me,' though I bea póor, wicked;wretched; -' ás they oh.it I fhould:' be made equal to the greaten ç they.. will afford alobwa - how- , z