Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BT750 .B945 1674

6 6 Go!pet 12emifsioil. God ; th,refore there is another expreflion that may make it more full, that God will never look upon their fins again that he has once pardoned, he blots them out, he cafis them behind his back, he removes them as far as the Eaft is from the Weft ; and if that be not enough to fatisfie thee, Micah7. 19. He will call them into the bottom of the Sea ; things that arecaft into the bottom of the Sea, are utterly thrown out of fight, never to be lookt for again. Well,but though God caft them into the'bottom of the Sea, he may think upon them. Therefore, Fifthly, Mark another expreflìon further to fatisfie thee, God layes, He willremember them no more ; they (hall be fo far from being thought upon, that God layes he will not remember them any more ; but you will fay, it is impoflible for God but to remember them ; yea, but when God pardons, it fhall be as Irrevocable, as if God did never remember them ; there are di- vers Texts remarkable for this, Ifa. 43. 25. Iwill blot out thy tranfgreffions, andwill not remember thyfns : I, may be not now (thou maift fay) but he will hereafter ; fee what is Paid in Jer. 3 t. 34. Iwillforgive their iniquity, and Iwill re- member theirfin nomore ; neither nownor hereafter, I will re- member their fin nomore. Sixthly, Theyfhall befoforgiven,as that there(hall be nomore mention of them ; there (hall never be the leaft mention of a be- lievers fins before God , and for that fee ezek. 33.16. it is fpoken of every godlyman indefinitely that turns to God, and is a Believer, None of hisfins that he hath committed (hall be mentionedunto him ; by the way, let men take heed how they upbraid the people of God for any oftheir former fins : Perhaps you knew fuch a one in the times of his ignorance, and you fay he was a lyar,a Drunkard ; but nowGod has revealed his mercy to him in the pardon of his fin, andGod fayes he will not men- tion them any more : Take heed how you cafe their fins,commit- ted in the times of their ignorance, in their teeth, faying, oh you are fo precife now, I knew what you were a little , before ; Shall the God of Heaven fay, he will not mention them any more ; and yet will you do it ? God will take it very ill, at your hands : this is admirable comfort to every Believer, that God will not remember their fin anymore ; he would have thee to remember