Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

On the excellency of . Chrift. 8F did fo in the time-of the Law; was there ever heard of fuck a Prieff that carne to offer facrifice , that did offer himfelf for fuch as hee would make attonernënt for ?.. jeftls hee was anointed by God the Father as a Priefl of his Church to offer facrifice , now hee mull have fa nething to offer , and Chrifl faw that whatfoever hee could of}er , if fo bee that hee had offered that that had been the worth of, Heaven and Earth,- whatfoever it had'.been, it could''never have been an Attonement for thofe fouls which bee did un. dertake for, therefore Chrift offers himfelfl as there is tíß thing but God can bee a fatisfying portion tó an immortal foul , fo no facrifice but Chrif} himfelf could bee a Sacri- fice to pacifie Gods wrath for the -fins of mankinde, it Chrifl fhould have faiid5. Father, Thou haft made rnee Lord over all the world; and I will give itall for Iianfotne for the foul of this poor finer, God would have laid, It will not do it, but it mull bee thy Pelf; I, and Chrifi yeelds to ir, A body haf tha+e prepared mee ANd 'bee mAde his fool an of- iíá.53, to.: fering for fin. And a body hail thou prepared for mee, both body and foul of Chrift was offered to God the Father for a facrifice,that bee might finell a fweet favour of ref}, even concerning us who aré wicked and wretched finners. Either Chritl muff offer himfelf : foul and body to bee a Sacrifice for thy fin, or elle ihy foui and body mutthave been offered as a facrifice to Gods juftice ; and then it mull eternally have been under the flroke of Gods Juflice; but to that end to free that foul and body of thine, if thòu beef} a beleever; to free thee from the eternal Juftice of.God;',therefore Chrift did offer- his foul and body as fa>faerifice'-to his Fa- ther. 7- further , Chrift was wonderful in his Priellly Office, for hee was not only the Sacrifice , but the Altar. It would bee wonderful to hear of a Prief} that fhould offer himfelf ., but the Priefl to bee the Sacrifice, and the Altar too that fhould fanE ifie the Sacrifice , it is a greater wonder and becaufe this expretlion Teems to bee very hard, I ,take this out of Heb. 9.14. Hom myth ware tba'l the Id 3