Burroughs - Houston-Packer Collection BX7233.B87 G67 1660

`1 96 On the Excellency of Chrijt. deration , that thefe things are not revealed to the wifefl and the great ones of the world , but to fuch men and wo- men that ordinarily have the leati underilanding in the things of the world , thofe men that have the dulleft ca- pacity to underftanl the reàfon of things in the world, thofe that are the moil ignorant people in the world, why Jefus Cllrifl chufes out them, and makes them to bee ap- prehenfive of the myfleries of the Gofpel , fuch things a;r Angels themfelves dare to pry into. Here is a wonder, that t Pct.iiL. 'fuchpoor, weak, dull, ignorant creatures, fometimes that can fcarce be able to fpeak two or three fentences in good fenfe together to a man , yet that they fhould have the clear un- derflanding of the chief myfleries in the Gofpel, and fuch things as Angels defire to pry into , here is a wonderful work, and therefore wee read in Matth.zt. t 5. when the poor children came to underfland fomewhato£ Chrifl, When the chief Priefts and Scribes fan, the wondefiil things that hee did, and the children crying in the Temple andfaying, Hofanna to the Son of David, they were fore difpleafed. Mark how this is joyned to the wonderful things , they faw the wonderful things that Chrifl did , and the children crying in the Temple , Hofanna to the Son of David , they were difpleafed. It is one of the moft wonderful things in the world to fee that fometimes poor young children, and fuch as underaand but very little in the matters of the world, and yet that thefe (hall come to underRand the deepefl myfleries -of .godlinefs , thofe things that exercife the un- derflanding of Angels, and (hall exercife them to all eter- nity , yet poor children and youths (hail come to under- 'land thefe things further than the great Rabbies and Do- ;.fors of the world, is not this a wonderful thing in the dif- penfation of t!.ie Prophetical .Office of Chrifl ? You make this ufe when you fee poor youths come to have under - tlanding in the great things of the Gofpel , you think furely it is but a conceit : Oh, but rather make this ufe, let your thoughts bee carried to admire at the wonderful difpenfa- [ion of the Prophetical Office of Jefus Chrift; and fo in "Vieth..