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Theri'sbt mannerofdrawerg nigh ence through fear ofwHell, when God appears as though he would fend him down prefently to Hell, though God expeds to be feared then, but when the foul in enjoying communion with God in holy duties, and the more communion he hath with God, the more is he ftruck with reverence and the fear of God, this is a fign of fanaifying fear; and then, moth the heart fanaifie the Name of God indeed when it is fo poffeffed with fear in thedutiesof Worfhip.1 Now this fear ofGcd thouldbe indeed in the foul, and expreffed outwardly when you are in the Affembly,by fuch reverent carriage in prayer, as ifa Heathen fhould come in he may fee Gods Name fanaitied, and may fay, How great is this God that this Peopledo Worthipl And in your Families, a reverent carriage, not lying all along in Prayer upon your elbows fleeping, but carrying your felves fo, that if a Heathen fhould come into your families, they may fay,0how great is this God that this people do Worthip ! And likewde this fear it mutt be an abiding fear, nor only at that inttaat when you are worfhipingof God, or Ipeaking of any of Gods Titles and Names, but a fear that mutt abide upon your hearts after duty is over ; that is, after you are come out from your Clofets one may perceive the fear of God upon ) ou, and fo walking all the day long in the fear of God, as it becomes thole that have been folemnly fetting themfelves to rorfhip Him: Now this fear and reverence is contrary to the fiightnefs, vani- ty, the boldnefs and prefumptuoufnefs that there is in the hearts ofmen and Women when they areWorshiping ofGod. Fiftly, The duties ofGodsWorlhip mutt be full of thength) for they arenot futable toGod elfe, becaufe God is a God infi- nite in power and glory himfelf, therefore God cannot endure vain worfhiping. In Ifa. i. i 3. I hatevain oblation' : Vani- ty of fpirit in worfhiping of God is very hateful to God, it cloth defile the Name ofgod, god is difhonoredby the vanity ofmens fpirits. Now this ftrength is Three fold.: Fete The ftrength of Intention. Secondly, The ftrength of Affea ion. Thirdly, The ftrength ofall the Faculties of the foul, and the ftrength of body too, as much as we areable fhould be put forth in the worshiping ofgod. Fiat,