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to God in Worthip, for the mountaindid burn with fire, that ye came neer unto me, even al the heads ofyour Tribef,andyour Elders, ,Andyefaid, Tebold theLord our qodhatbfhewedusbiaglory andhisgreat- neff,andwe have heard hisvoice out of the midfi ofthe jire:we havefeen this day, that God doth talkwithman,and be Iiiveib ; now therefore whyfhouldwe die?for thisgreatfire will confume we hear the voice of the Lord our Cjod any more, then we Pal die. See with what a terror they were ftruck at theapprehen- lion of Gods appearance; you would think furely thefe men did fear God much,but mark in verf. 29. 0 that there were filch a heart in them that they wouldfear me.Why did they not fear the Lord? were they not firuckwith fuch fear that they thought they fhoulddy?they law this paefence fo terrible,that theywere afraid they fhould dy,f3cyet Othat there were fuel.) a heart in them that they wouldfear me : So that it appears by this, that one may be ftruckwith much terror in theapprehenfion of?Gods prefence,Sr yet have no true fear of the name. of God:So fome of you it may be in time of thunder or clanger,are filled with terror;but yet may it not be faid prefently.after,0 that there were thefear of God in the heart of this man or womatilthis youthor maid! they are ter- riOed fOrntimes,but yet there is not a filial and reverential fear of God in them.AndIfind in i %pg. 9.(where you have the ftory of Gods appearing in that molt terriblemanner unto the Prophet ElijahbyFire,by Thunder,and in a mighty Wind) theProphet was not to ttruck with fear of Gods pretence when he did ap.. pear in-the mighty wind, or earthquake,or fire, as when Goddid apPear in thelmalftilvoice,therefore in verf. 13.it is faid, And it warfo when Elijahheard it:rhat is,rhe loft voyce, (after the fire and earchquake,& the mighty wind) that be wrapped hisface in bis mantle &went out &flood in theentering in the Cave, and behold there came avoice untohint, &faid,what doeft thouhere (Elijah?Then his heart wasmore firuckwith fear where was molt ofGods prefence ( though it was in a loft' voice) than when the fire and earthquake did appear : it is a good tign of a gracious fear, when the foul can be ftrockwith more fear from the Word, and from the fight of God in enjoying of communion with him in his Worfhip, than when God appears in the molt terrible way of his works ;. or when there is terror la a mans contd.. ence 79