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io6 The right manner at cleaving nigh S. We muff fanaifie Gods Name in holy Duties, hecaufe otherwife we fhould certainly never holdout in Duties, but va nifh and come to nothing; now God would be worfhiped fo by his creatures, as tobe conftantly worfhiped, he would have thofe that do worfhip him,to worfhip him alwaies, toworfhip him for ever, andhe would have this worfhip that we per/form to him, bit to be the begining of that eternal Worfhip that he (hall have froin us in Heaven. And fo the Saints do Worfhip God now, the Worfhip which they perform, it is but as the beginning ofthat Worfhip thathereafter in Heaven they fhall tender up to God, though there may be forne difference in it, as there our prayers will be turned intopraifes, and it wil not be in fuch outward Ordinances as now we worfhip God in, there will be no Preaching, not Sacraments ; yet notwithitanding,, the Soul worfhip that is now, will be in effect the fame as it (hall be in Heaven. God would have us fo to worfhip him as tocontinue toworfhip him : Now ( I fay) unlefs his Name be fanaified in our worfhiping ofhim, we will certainly fall off : and the truth is,This is the very ground ofall Apollacie in Hy- pocrites ; Some that have been very forward in the worfhiping of God when they were young ones, and afterwards they have fallen off, they were wont conftantly in their families, and in fecret in their chambers to be worfhiping of God, and they accounted it thevery joyof their lives for the prefent coke worfhipingof God ; but it is not fo with them now asit was : 'yea, they are fallen off ( it may be ) from their very profeffion ofReligion,and turn'd loofe ; And now to be -in vain company, todrink or play, is better to them than any Serviceof Worfhip ofGod, they prize more to be in company with their fports, than tohear a Sermon,or tobe inCommunion with, the People ofGod inPrayer : Heretofore they would not have charNed one fhort time of private Communion with God, for theenjoy- ment ofa great deal ofpleafures and content in the world ; but now it is otherwife with them. How comes it to pafs that thefe areafaftatized thus fromGod ? Surely this is the ground of it 7That they did not fanaifieGods Name inholy Duties, at the molt it was but a workofconfcience that put them upon them, and they had but Come Mho, therewas no real Sandification of.