Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

20 The right manner ofdrawing nigh Solidifying Gods Name in holy duties, the Lord takes care, that all things !hall be fantified for their good, for the further- anceof their eternal good. Andhowever it be here, yet hereafter at the great day of Judgment it will be a port of the gloryof God to manifeft be fore Men and Angels how he did accept of chofe holy fervices that thou didft tender up to him ; when Hypocrites fhall becaft away and abhor'd, and thou whohadit an upright fincere heart (halt be owned beforeGod, andbefore men and Angelis at that great Day : andGod than fay, Well, it is a part of the glory ofmy Holinels to make itappear that I have accepted of thefe holy thingsthat there my poor fervancs have tendered up tome. And this now is of marvelous ufe for the comforting ofagraci- ous heart : thofe duties chat thoudoeft now think thouhaft loft, and there will nothingcome of them, thou shalt certainly heat of them another day, God will make it appear, there is nothing that he Rands more upon thdn the glory of his Holinefs; and it is the glory ofhis Holinefs that is thy strength in this thing, and that makes it certain to thee that there muff be a manifeitacion of thy acceptance : and therefore take thefe Truths into thy heart about fandifying the Name of god. You havehadonly thePoint in general opened to, you : Oh that the Spirit of god wouldbring things unto your remembrance. 0044+44'4444+.444+444 ft. SERMON