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7 The right manner ofSanilif yin& the fu bole thou corne' to hear the VVord 3.-Ld -thou -hearett of fame -fin that it may be thou knowea thouart guilty of, rake the VVord and lay it thy heart, and fay,: The Lord hath niec with trigSoul this day, , the, Lotdbath fpoken to me, to the end that I might be humbled latjh is fin,. and the other lin,.-that .my Confcience cels me I am guilty of: So, doth the Lord put thee upon a Duty. that concerns thee ? Acknowledg this; the Lord hash spoken to me this dray, and put me upon-the Refor- - mation of in} Family , and the -.Reformation °frantic own heami Is there a word prelented? apply that, and:let nor the trouble of thy heart cattle he to cart of that word that God huh fpo- kento thee. The Application of the VVord to thy heart is of marvelous ufe, and it concerns nor only Minifters in general, to " laybefore people the Dottrine of the Goipel,.7but to apply it : And know, that it concerns you as well as Minifters to apply it ;. and not only when theycome to that that is calledLife , but all theway in the-opening of the word, it concerns you al to apply it to your ownSouls, and to confider, How doth it concern me in particular ? My Brethren, there is no filch way to honor God,- or get good to your own Souls, as the application of the VVord unto your felves. As a man that is afleep, if there be a noife made it will not awake him fo foon; but come and call him by his name (and fay, 'John, or Thomas) and that wig awake him boner. than a greater noife will. So, When the VVorcl 'makes a noife when it is delivered only in the General; men take little notice. of it ; but When theword comes particu- larly to the fouls of men, andcloth (as it were) cal them by name, this awakens them. Now, Godmany times cloth fpeak to your hearts, but you fliould apply it : youknow the word is compa- red to rirarq-nd it mull be applied to.the body. Then dowewor- -thip God in aright way when as we take notice ofGods word, as -Concerning us in particular, as that notable Scripture that you have in i Cor. 14. 25% where there came a poor man into the - Church of God, and hears Prophefying, hears the word opened, and the text faith, he is convinced of all, he is judged ofall;_",; and then in verle 2 5 Thus are thetecrets of his heart manifejk andfo failing dorm on his face he worthily god, and reports that goctis-in you of-a truth': That is, when the word comes and