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1 7g 7-beret manner ofSzi^nRify.ingthe Oh that' men would give but this refped to all, things that chef hear, never to call them- off 6,1 they have examined and. tried; whether they. be Inor no. z Secondly, Do but grant this refpea to the Word that - fpoken to you ; as to think thus : What if all that Ihear fpoken againft my fin, which la.ies -open the dangerous condition that rny foul is improveto be true -? what a cafe:were I in then ? This huh been the beginningof the Converfion of many. Souls, the. havingbut fucha thought as this : t may be things are not fo, tern eas ear, buc.w ) 1 (hey do prove to ? then amun- done for_ever. Dare I venture,my Soul, and my eternal Efface, upon hopes that thefe things are not fo . bad as Lhear'.? I. beleeve if youwould put your felves to :it,. you would think it a bold. adventurer and checomfort that any of you have groundedup- on this,. meetly hoping that things arenot labad as you-hear, it, is a curled comfort that hash no fure bottom : GrantrhaLrefpea, therefore to the Word.'. 3. Thirdly, Confider this : It may be Ido notfee cleerly that' thefe things are fo which. are delivered I donot fee enough to beleeve them, now ;_ but what if I ,were now dying ?- what if '- were now going to. receive. thefentence.of my Eternal Doom ?, Would..I not then beleeve thefe things ?. would I- not then think what I hear out of the word to be true? Iris, an eafie matter for men to reject the, word while theybave their healchs, rid rofperity : But ifyouwere to die, and upon your tick and, you law the infinite Ocean of Eternity before your. w at wouldyou lay,then ?. were the word true, yea, or no ? would you. give belief unto the fuggeft ions of the Devil then ?. We find it by experience, That men that could ea lily call off the.' lif.orcl in their healths, yet when they have come to lie upon their lickbed, and death beds, theyfound the word true.. Beleeve it now, as well as then... 4, Confider, If thoudoll not-beleeve ' what, a cafe art thou,: ? 1 worfe than theDevils themfelves? The Scripture tels, me That the Veva( beleeve and tr le hy Lord, do I come, rahear exmons, an am- i more hard .to beleeve than the very, Devils,,themfelves ? They dobeleeve tharword that .I calf and they trembleat iri .but my Soul, is not akalL flirted' .as, if there