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Name ofGod inhearinghis W o Do r$9 with God, behaving it felt in a befeeming manner finable to that Authority and Excellency that there is in the word, of God. As now for Example : t. Fiat, Amongmen, He is accounted an honeft man t t deals fquarely and truly with men in all attions : a man you will fay, is an honeft man, as honeft a man as ever broke bread, that is, one that wil deal fquarely with men, not on- ly inone thing, but turn him toany thing, and you than find a proportion between onesalon and another : So this is an ho- neft heart, not one that only will be forward for God in fome 04 actionwherein hemay enjoy himfelfas wel as God ; but one that deals fquarely with God, let God put him upon dut o any Service, God fhal find him ftil to be the fame man : Put him upon any eafie Service (as many wil imbrace that) or put him upon a difficult Service, it is al one if it be the mind of God ; you ilia I find himfquare in every thing, though he be put upon that which he is like to fuffer very much in, yet he goes on according to his principles. An honeft heart is one that bath received gra- cious principles, and accordingly he attethl. all the world can- not rake himof from his principles of Godlinefs chat the Lord bathput intohis heart. 2* Secondly, An honeft man;is one chat provides things ho- neft before men , that doth all things in a feemly way in all thofe relations that he huh unto others , that we account ho- !lefty : So when a mans behavior cowards the word is fuch as cloth befeem the word of that God with whom he bath to deal, That look what excellency, what glory there is in the word off' God, fuch a futable behavior there is in the heart of a man to r this is an h * -ft heart that there are thole two things ; . hen a man is lquare with God in one thing as well as another ; , And when there is a futablenefs in thebehavior of the SOul to what excellency there is in the word, 'when the heart of man will not abufe the word at all, but behaves it ielf honeftly ac- cording unto the gravity, holinefs, and weight that there is , . in the word. o And thus now with fuch a good and hen& heart we are to receive .the,Word, if we will fandifie Gods Name in it. 1E04 A tenthParticular is this : If wewil canaifie Gods Name in