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sri receiving the Sacrament ofthe bras Supper. 2 27 might have Communion withhim, and that we might have the blefling of the Covenant of Grace conveyed .unco tts throUgh there things now certainly this is a drawing nigh toGod, for -to pre. lent our felves, for the conveyance of the bleffing oft he Covenant of Grace through thefe Creatures, yea, that we might have Communion with God hinafelf in them , this is drawing nigh to him, when we come to his Table ; therefore we draw nigh to God : had not God inifituted and appointed there Creaiures, Bread and.Wine, and the ac tuns about them cobe the means of conveyante of bleffing unto us, it had been Will-wotfhip for us to haveexpetted any further pretence of God in fuch cteaturesohan *re is in the nature of them. Jr is true, God is prelent with e- very creature 2 when we eat and drink at our Tables, God is pre- fent there ; but we cannot be Paid to drawnigh toded, and weir. fhip God there ; for we there look for no further pretence of God with us in them, to convey further good than the Lord hart] put into the nature of thole things ; only when Godly people rake them, and receive them as bleffings fan& fled by the Nged, they take them as the bleflings of God that come out of l o them. But nowwhen we come to receive that which is cali'd the Cont- munion, there we expetk things that are beyond the nature of thefe creatures, to convey that that is by an inftitut ion of God fec apart. for fuperna rural ufes and ends, nor to convey in any na- tural way fuch and fuch things,but in a lupernatural way,tlarough the inftitucion of God, and to it comes to be woefhip. Had we not I fay a command for this, it were fuperffition and Idolatry for Lo. to make ufe offuch creatures for fuch elide. If any man in the world fhould have appointed a piece of Bread, or a draught Aff Wine, to have tignified and fealed the Body and Blood of Chrift, it had been Superitition in atiy, and Will- worfhip, and finful and abominable co you ; but we are to look upon God fe:a ring apart thele Creatures for fuch holy and folemn ends, and therefore when we come to be exercifed in them, we creme to worfhip God ; and we come likewife to tender up our homage to God when we come toattend upon him in fuch Ordinances as thefe are ; to tender up that homage that i? due from us poor creatures, unto fuch an infinite and glorious God : and therefore we drawnigh tohim in thee. Y Secoully,