Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

The right manner ofdrawing nigh tions of the Heart. I find the fame word to beufed inScripture, when joibua laid to theSun, fiandflil flay thy felf on gibeon, yof 10. rz. It is the fame word that is here tranflated,and .Aaron held his peace, that is, he was flayed from further vexing or trou- bling of himtelf or being difquieted ; whereas his Heart was in a thong violent motion o Now glees fpeech did flop him, and gave a flop to his Heart to make it nand flit in a wonderful manner, As theSun, when 70pua fpake to it tonand flit. As if theLord fhould have fpoken to his Heart, Aaron, thy heart is in a mighty thongmotion, but confider that I muff be fandified in thole that draw nigh me; and let all thole motions of chy Heart be (tor and quiet. Thus nowyou fee the meaningof the Scripture, and the Scopeair. Now in this Scripture you have thefe Threefpecial and notable Points. a That in worfhipofgod, there is adrawingnigh unto Sim. 2 That when rve do drawnigh to god, wefhould take, heed to ourfelves that wefanEfife godsName. 3 Ifwedo not fanEfifie godsName in our drawings nigh to Slim, then certainly godwilfanEfifte his onNameupon us. Thefe are the Three Points that I intend tohandle ; And efpe.. daily the fecond to handle largely among you. I confefs upon another occafion in one Sermon I have fpoke our of thefe words, but now I intend nor only in general, to thew you how you fhould fanttifie Gods Name in Worjhip, but likewife in the parti- cular Alts of Worfhip : As fandifyinp,His N__ ame in Prayer, in ,Receivir2gthe Sacrament, in beam the Word ; in the feveral chief partsof the Woribipot Goa, ow his Name fhould be fan- dified : For in al thefe you do draw nigh to God. And for that end I have pitch'dmy thoughts upon this Scripture. But before I come zo thefe Three great Points, that are the principal Points in the words read unto you ; I fha I take updivers other Notes of obfervation chat lie up anddown as it were fcattervd, that are erfgreat ufe, and wil help us further tomake ufe of this Scripture in the other points that lfhal come to afterward, and handle more largely. The firft Note is this, That ingod', Worfhip there mull be no- thing tendred up to god but what he bathcommanded,. voloatfo- &ver we meddle within theWorfhip of god, it mull be 'Oat WC kW a Warrant for out of tioe Wordof cod, Foy