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to god in Wolf-hip. 9 For this fpeech of cMofei is upon occafion of the judgment of- God upon Aaron! Sons for offering ftrange Fire : They offe- red Fire that God had not commanded. Hence I fay, that all things in Gods worfhip muff have a warrant out of Gods word, muff be commanded, It's not enough that it is not forbidden I befeech you obferve it : it is nor enough that a thing is not for- bidden, andwhat hurt is there in it ? But it muff be comman-i ded : I confefs in 'matters that are Civil and Natural, there this may beenough ; If it be but according to the rules of prudence, and not forbidden in the word ; we may make ufe of this in Ci- vil and Natural things. But now whenwe come to matters of Religion, and the Worfhip of God, we muft either have a com- mand, or fotnewhat out of Gods Word by tome Confequence drawn from fome command wherein God manifefts his will ; either a direct command, or by comparing one thing with a- nother, or drawing contequences plainly from the Words. We muff have a warrant of the Worfhip of Clod. One would have thought that thele Triefis offering Incenfe to the true God, what hurt was there in taking other Tire ? But there was noCom- mand for it, and therefore it was not accepted. Its true, there are fome things in the Worfbip Clod that are Natural and Civil helps, and there weneed not have any Command : As for in-- fiance ; when we come to. Worfhipgod,the Congregation meets, they muff have a convenient place to keep the air and weather from them : now this is but a natural help, and fo far as I Ufe the place of Worfhip as a natural help I need have no Corn- mand. But if I will put any thing in a (Place beyond what it bath in its own nature, There I muff look for a Command: For if I account one place more 'Holy than another ; or to think that God should accept of Worfhip in one place rather than in a.- other : This is to raife it above what it is in its own Nature. So chat when any creature is raifed in a Religious way, above what is hath in it by gLature ; if I have not Scripture towarrant, me I am therein fuperftittious. It's a very ufefal rule for to help you : Ifany Creature chat youmake any ufe ofin a way of Religion beyond what it bath in its own Ticiture, if you have not iome warrant from the Word of god-( whatfoever fpecious aliew there may be in it ) it is Siverffitict4 (r,k7 for the Place. them