Burroughs - BV15 B877 1654

- 20 The right manner ofdrawing nigh certainly a rule for all Preachers, for the Lord fends his Prea- chers tomake knownhis wrathagainft mens ,fins ; but now, the more they makeknown his wrath, the more they fhould con- ceal their own ; and fo by that means when they come in the opeueft way to rnanifett Gods wrath, the more their prea- chingwould be accepted. Now it's true, a carnal heart would be ready to think, That when a Preacher fpeaks out of true zeal toGod, he will be ready to fay, That he bath aiming at him-. felf ::Take heed of chat, I beleeve you havehad but little oc- cation of fuch a temptation in this place : but howeverthis I know, it is the duty of the Minifters of God to be Pure to bring nothingbut the Fireof the Spirit of God,theFire that they have from theAltar; their tongues being touched with one of thefe Coals, and not that they fhould come with.their own paflions to further theRighteoufnefs ofGod, no,Thewrathof man dotb not accomplifb the (Righteoufnefs of god. There are forne other particulars which being laid down, we (hall come to the Three mainPoints. 444444 49 44.444,44.47444.414... +4,-44+4 et44444,14.4,4444444++0.444.444440 et SERMON I L Preached at Stepney, Noivemb. 16. 645. Levis. 1 0. 3. 1 will beSanafified in them that come nighme. ...914.47EE began there words the kit day, and (hewed .4;44.1,414. the fcopeof them, and opened the meaning of *. them, and fpake ofdivers Notes of Obfervation glo v fol 4.4. that we gathered from this Flory of Waded) and .614+4,46. Abihu, and of Gods dealing with them. From 41444444 thegeneral Rory of it there weremany Points of notable Obfervation that were drawn from thence : Ple ad kale few now, and fo come to the main Doctrinal Point in the :Text. A further Note of Obfervation is this, That many times even thedear Saints ofgod do meet with "veryfore anderievoits 411- 0i0111 ill their Ckildrens That