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to God in Worfhip. 2[. Th3 c the moft eminent Saints ofGod ayenot freed from very cafe__ grievous afiliaions even in their Children ; It was one of the foreft afflittions that alrnoft ever any Saint of God met wichall in his Children ; this 4filidion of Aaron at this, time, That two of his Sons, and ( as I told the !aft day ) renowned men in Ifrael, newly confecrated to the Office of Priefthood, that the very fiat day they came to offer in their Office, they were /truck before all the people with Fire from Heaven, and were confumed : Oh what a fad aflittion wall; to Aaron their Father, when he faw his Sons in fuch a manner deftroyed bv God himfelf ! CQ,nfider of this, you chat have Children, and are ready to murmur and complain of every little afflidion that is upon you in refpett of your Children : If fo be thac your Childrenbe but a little lick, or there be any mifcarriage of them, you think it is a heavy handof God ; But efpecially If God take awayyour Children by death, then you mourn and will not becomforted : Yea, but though God have taken away your Children by death, yea, perhaps it may -beby a violent death, as being drowned, &rt. yet they have not been ftrucken withFire from Heavenby God, and they have not been of fuch publick ufe. Thee here were renowned men, and taken away in their very fin too ; your Children which have gone upon their lawful imployments, and God hath taken away their lives there is no fuch caufe of murmuring here ; buc when God cakes away Children in their fins, and in fuch a way as by Fire from Heaven ; thus God took away AaroruChildren, and he was as dear to God as you are : And yet thus God deals with his Saints 1 with Aaron in regard of his Children, and with his elder Children, and wo wit of them together. This Example may be enough toRill; d:quiet the hearts of men and women that are afflitted in ref. ° of any calamity that befals their Chil- dren. You fee what a hand of God is againft the very Children of Aaron. .' , A further Note it this, That God! 7udgrnentr wefeeforntirnef, though the effeff of&ern be vifibe, yet they come in an invifible For you Thal find if you read on in this ftory, That they were fmoce with fire fromHeaven, but did not appear whiz fire, .far C 3 it