3° The right manner ofdrawing nigh :bimfelfto tat bold on him. When we come toWorfhip God eve fhould ftir up our (elves to take hold of God. And thus you fee in what refpeers the Soul may be laid to dram, nigb to god when it comes toWorfhip him. Now for the Aplication of this point, and it is in divers par- ticulars. The Firff is this. Hence learn what you do when you come to Worth ip God, and confider of it every time you come to perform any at of Worfhip. *Truly this one thing would be of marveilous ufe, and it would help forward to the nex. point of Sanitifyingof god( Name. This you are all convinced of, Thar it is your duty toWorfhip God ; whenyou Pray, you come toWorfhip God, whenyou come to heare his Word you cone to Worfhip him, and when you receive the Sacrament you Worfhip him. Now ifI fhould come from one end of the Congregation to the other, and ask every one of you this Queftion It is your duty toWorfhipGod, Is it not ? Yes, that you will all be ready to anfwer. And what do you do when you Worfhip God ? I fear that/this Second Queftionwould gravel many. Youwill fay, Wemuff pray toGod, and fervehim, and hear his Word, and go to the Communion : yea, but what do your Souls do in this work of worthiping of God ? This fhould be the anfwer, and fo you fhould think with your (elves, and charge this upon your own hearts, I am now going to worfhip God, either in Prayer, Word, or Sacrament, I am now going to tender up that homage that is due from a creature to the infinite Creator, fo that I muff lo pray, as I molt manifeft that high reipett that I owe toGod as my Creator; but that {peak to more af- terward : only now remember this, That you do profefsevery timeyou goto Prayer, That you go to tender up that homage that youowe unto God,and fo every time you come to hear the Word, there is a profeflion that you come to tender up that re- fpea and homage that youowe to the infinite God : And fo likewife when you come to receive the Sacrament. Nowwhen we come tooffer a preterit to men, we know howwe prepare, and with what futable pretencewe defire to offer : but ofthat afterward when we come to (peakof SanefifyingG°cif Name. z Secondly, Remember, when I come toWorfhip God, I come