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to god in Worfhi2. 35 would not drawmeer to God ? On what a good thing is it to bein the prefence of God : Is not the Lord the fountain of thy life ? Is it not a fweet thing to be in his pretence ? We thinkit a fweet thing tobe in the pretence of Godly men ; Oh chat we might alwaies, live with inch men, and be nigh them ! That Martyr Doctor Taylor rejoyced in this, That ever he came inro prifon robe acquainted with that Angel of God, Holy Miller Sradirord and as I remember fome among the Heathens that profeft,,they would rather be in prifon with Cato, than be in the ,greateft glory with fame other. It is a bleffed thing to be in the pretence ofGod, to be with him chat is the God of our lives, and the fountain of all good ; let us draw nigh to God often, let us know that it is amercy that we may draw nigh to God ; we might have beenbanifhed from the prefence of the Lord long e're this time. This is that that the happinefsof the glorious Church is fet out by, in lieu 22. 4. Theyfhallfee hisface,and his `Warnefiaall be in their foreheads. This is thePriviledg of the Church. And that it is fuch a bleffing to draw nigh to God, you may fee is by that in cEpbef 2. 18. For through him, we both have an accefs by one Spirit unto the (Father. Through 'Him Through Chrift we have acres by one Spirit unto the Father ; and now (faith he ) Ye, that were ftrangers and forreigners,aremade fellowCitilens with the Saints and of the houThlodof god, And verf. i 3. 'But now by 7efur Chrift,ye whoforntimes were afaroff,are made nigh by the bloodof aril', and you have accefs through Clara. So, our comingnigh to God is loch a priviledg as co-ft the Blood of Chrift; And wil nor you improve it ? You were far ofFin your natural condr ion,but now you are nigh throughhis Blood. Lay but this Text warm to your hearts this morning, That I that was far off, ammade nigh by theBlood ofChrift, made nigh to God o it will be a means for ever to drawyour hearts to all thofewales whereby you day. draw neeret1 toGraci And bydrawing nigh to God often, you willtome toencreafe your graces abundantly : your graces, how will they aet ? the pretence ofGod will draw forth, theacsof grate, as the pretence of the Fire draws forth our heart, fo the pretence of God will draw forth our graces. D 2, And