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The right mannerofdrawing mg' b in my foul bath drawn neer to God. Such as worfhipGod a- right, and do delight in the Worfhip of God they are fuch as have a great honor put upon them, they dodrawnigh toGod. And thus we have finithed the firft The fecondPoint is that will holdus force time, and that The SanififyinggodsWarne inour drawing neer to God. When we worfhip God we draw nigh to him, but let us take heed howwe draw nigh, 'Neb. se. 12. Let uf draw neer r12 itba true beart.Look, to thy feet Then thouemelt into the boufe of God,Ecclef5. i . Now for the SanctifyingofGods Name indrawn ingnigh toHimwe thin endeavor open it. x. In chewing you wherein theSandification of Gods Name confifts, or what we fhoulddo that we might fandifie the Name ofGod indra wing nigh to Him. 2. The Reafonwhy God will have his Name to be Sandified in thefe that do draw nigh toHim. Howwe fhould fandifie the Name of God in drawing nigh to Hite., it is under thefe two Heads : Firft, There muff be a due preparation unto the Worfhip of God that we exercife our felves in at any time Secondly, A right behavior of our fouls in it : in ihefe two things confifts the Sandifying of Gods Name inHisWorfhip. Now under chete Two Heads all that I (hall fpeak about the 6., peningof the Sandifying of Gods Name will be contained. At this time I (hall only 'peak to the Firfl TheduepreparationoftheSoul unto the Vuties of Gocif Wor- Therein confifts a fpecial part of the Sanctifying of Gods Narnein drawingnigh to him. And that it is fo we find it in Scriprure, That preparation for Worfhip it is called theSandi- fying of our felves . andby finding this in Scripture, it hinted me upon this Head, to fpeakof the preparation unto warfhip inour Sanctifying Gods Name, becaufe I find in Scripture-that the Sanctifying of our felves for Wor fhip,and the preparationof our felves for Worfhip,are al one : giVeyou thefe two textsin i Sam. 16. 5. youThal find there,that Saniieel when he was fent by God to anoint pavieU in Bethlem, theteXt faith,,I4nt come tofacrifice unto the Lord : farafifieyour:Rives, andcbme withme to agefacrifice,Voyoncome peaceably fay theyiter, what