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to god in Worfhip, what then?Sariffifie your feivesand C01,40' me to the S,7cri- fice : That'sall one,as if he fhould have laid, Prt-pare your !elves and come with me to the Sacrifice:and fo in 7ob, 5. there you that find that the holy man Sob when his Sons had been fea ft ing, he was fomewhat afraid left there fhould be fome inifrarriageond that they had finnedagainft God in their feafting (as it is very hard to give liberty to pleafe the flefh andnoc to `in, not to tranfgrefs bounds) therefore lob, though he did-not hear of any notorious abufe oftheir feafting, yet he was afraid left they fhould fin, he knew how dangerous it was to have fo much fa tisfattion to the flefh and noc to tranfgrels bounds, therefore is is faid,befent tohis ions and fanffified them. It wasfo (faith the text ) when thedales of the feaftingwere gone about, that Job fent and fanffified them : that 7,91) fent unto them to prepare them tooffer facrifice l toprepare them for the Worth ip of God So that the Scripture holdsforth this then, that to prepare for Worlhip it is, to fans ifie for Worfhip, and fo is is one fpecia I thing that is required in our farAifying of God, in our drawing nigh CO God, to make a due preparation for his holy Worfhip, Now for theorderly handlingof things. Firft,I fhall fhewyou, That we muffprepare for the Worfhip of God. Secondly,, I thanThew you, Wherein this preparationfor the Worfhipof Godcloth confift. Thirdly,Tbe excellency that there is in this,or what greatgood there is in preparationfor Gods Worfhip. Fourthly,//hall .Anfwer a cafe of Confcience or two. Fifrly, I will Phewyou, What is the behavior of the foul in SantlifyingGodsName. :4i t1y;'The rIleafons why God will be fanifified in the duties ofhis Worfhip. Fiat,' That there muff be preparation to the Worfhip of god. 'For filit,"That. God that wecome to worthiplis a great and glo- rious Giactiaiicl wehaving todeal with fuch an infinite, glorious, dreadful MaKfty,it is fic that we fhoald make preparation when we come *Amonhim:therfore in Exod.19.10.when God came among the people to give them his Law, he did require that they fkould befarififified to day and to morrow, and that theyfhould wall) tbeir amass, and be ready againjt the third day, for E a the