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to god inWofihip. 61 more fit as it is in fin, If a man when he bath forne trouble of con- fcience would but liften to his confcience and would not commit that fin,hisconfcience would grow ftronger upon him,and ftreng- then him againft that fin ; fo ifanyman or woman liftens to the temptation todefer duty and put it offbecaule they are not pre- pared, why after that the corruption will grow more ftrong therefore fec upon the duty, and the performance of one duty will prepare for another. 4. In the fourth place, Whilemen and women are ftrug- ling with their fouls anclihe corrupcio ns of their hearts,and do not fall upon feeking God, they by their very ftrugling to pre- pare themfelves many times enfnare themfelves- it may be thou: haft thoughts of Atheifrn or other wickednefs, the very firugling', with C hofe thoughts may enfnare thy heart ; now the better way were to fal upon prayer, and to cry out to God to help theea- gainft them, for while thou art ftrugling and ftriving with thofe thoughts, thou art 'hiving with the corruption of thy heart and with the Devil all alone : but nowwhen thou fall& to the duty thou calleft in the helpof God andof Jefus Chriff, and that is a great deal better, while thou art mufing, plodding, and troub- ling thy heart chat- way, I fay, thou art ftrugling alone, but nowwhen thou falleft upon the duty, then thou calleft in help fromGod, and fo thou art more able to the performance of the duty than thouwert before. And therefore it is the beft way ta fall upon a duty though thou canft not find thy heart prepare& as thou doeft defire, the very falling upon it will fir thee for it.' And thus much for theAnfwer unto thofe two Caufes o Confer cience. Now thenwe are toproceed further in the openingof the San- etifyingof Gods Name in holy duties. Thus much for the pre.- parationof theheart. But when the heart comes toit, in what manner fhould the duty beperformed, fo as the Name of God may be fandified in the duty ? or what is the behaviorof the fou1 in the fanttifying of Gods Namewhen it is in thevery aaof the duty ? To that I anfwer, Firftin general thus, When the foul lahora to perform duties foas Godmay have fuch glory from the duty as is fit for a God tohave in come meafure then do I Santtifie. Gods Name. You