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1 The right manner ofdrawingn&h You will fay this is a very hard thing to perform a duty lb as that we fhould give God the glory that is fit for a God to have : Certainly this is not done by every manner of perfor- mance ofa duty of Worfhip : yet you than hear this opened to you, and I hope you have it madevery plain before you. Firft therefore I fhall "hew you, that when we are to perform a duty ofWorfhip, we lhould fec our felves to glcrifie God as a God ; that is, to do it in that manner that Godmay have that Glory, that is fir for a God to have. As now in the duty of Praite,Tfit1.66. z. Wake/At Praife glorious, that is, do it to as youmay lift up His name in it, and that God may beglorious in your praife. And Rom. 1. 2r, there the Apoftle tpeaking of the Heathens ; he cloth rebuke them ; For what I It was for this, Tecaufe that when they kneiv Clod, theyglorifiedhim not as god, neither were thankful e now this is fpoken efpecially of the Worfhipof God ; for he faithafterwards, ver. 23. That they changed theglory of the incorruptible God, into an image made like tocorruptible men &c. So that It's ipoken of the Worfhip of God ; that they glorifiednot god as (3Othrhac is then to fan- ittifie Gods ?time, toglorifie Clodal God : and therefore our Sa- vior in john, 4. when he fpake to the womanofSamaria,he tell her that God ii aSpirit,andmull be worfbippedinfpirit & truth that is, we mutt labor to fait cur worthip to what there is in God ; that our worthipmay be proportionable in fome meafure even to thenature of God hunfelf : And therefore God being a Spirit, His Worfhipmuff be a Divine Worfhip. I have read of fome of the Heathens that did worfhip the Sun for a God, and theywould offer to the Sun fomething futable ; therefore be- caufe they did fb admireat the fwiftnefs ofthemotion ofthe Sun, they would not offer a Snail to the Sun, but a flying Horfe, a Horfe with wings ; now a Horfe is one of the fwifteft creatures, and the ftrongeft creature to continue in motion for a long time together, and they added wings to the Horfe, and they thought that futable to be a Sacrifice for theSun. So when wecome Worfhip God, that is, toSanttifie His Name, we mull behave our felves fo as to give him the glory that is fir for a God tohave. As now in thole three particulars which I opened