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The right manner ofdrawing nigh all. If therefore when thou corneft to worship God, God hub more in thy heart thanever any creature in the world had, god accepts ofthat, and that you muff look unto : Can you-fay lb, =when-you go to Worfhip God ? Lord it is true, there is much weaknefs in my fpirit,but thou that knoweff all things, knoweft, That thou haft more of my heart than ever any creature in the world had. This is furable to God, God will account this (in theCovenant ofGrace) to be a prefent futable tohirnfelf. As in the Law, when theyoffered to the building of the Temple, every onecould not offer Gold andSilver and precious /tones, but fome came and offered Badgers-skins, and fome Women did fpin andoffered Goats-hair to the building of the Tem- arid fo God accepted of that, being themolt they could o. 2. In the fecond place When we do not only offer untoGod the molt wecan, but when we ad to this the grief of our fouls that wecando no more, when the foul than ftrive to the uttermoft it can, and when it bath done all, faith, I am an un- 43rofirabk_fervant, Oh that I coulddo more f This is futable to od.- 3. Thirdly, The People of God though they be weak, yet the weakeff Servant of God is able to offer up toGod fomewhac that is futable to the infinite Majefty of God, upon this Third Ground, becaufe there is a kind ofimpreflion of Gods infinitnefs in thofe fervices that a gracious heart doth tender unto Godand therefore furable unto God. Youwill fay, God is an Infinite Glorious God ; Be it fo, He is infinite that'scertain, but the duty of Worfhip that a gra- tious heart tenders,unto God, it hath an impreflion of Gods in- finitnefs upon it. -;How is that ? If that can be made out, then indeed we may beencouraged to Worfhip God. Thus, That that a gracious heart tenders up to God bath an impreflion of infinitnefs in this regard, becaufe as God bath no limits of His Being, foa gracious heart when it comes to worship God, will not propound any limits or bounds, but in the defires of it would fain beenlarged infinitely if it could. Ifit were poflible for a creature tobe enlarged to God infinicly it would be. Here lies (I conceive) the main difference between the moft glorious Hypocrite