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To the READER. +-494.+4pte4v R purpofe in this Preface, is not to #,eak either ofthe emi- r:p.*444Np+ runt worth of the Author, whole memory is bleffed in the it* ** hearts ofall the Godly in this Nation ; or of this Piece it felf TY* t4 here publifhed: but only to affisre thee, That it is 134. And lt 4* A although it rifeth not up to that exaanri? and perfe aim; as' 44' 40,411"r`r might have been in them, had he publifh'd themhimftlf; yet 4'44444' with that different allowance which is to be given to Notes taken from his mouth in ordinary and frequent Preaching, we doubt not but that in their ufe and benefit they may be asprofitable to the Saints as other ofhis wri- tings, being asfull of weighty and Divine Materials, having alfo the imrefi of the Spirit, anct language of this holy Man ( one of thegreatell Preachers ofthis Age) llampt all along upon them. eve (to whom this our Brother was muff dear and precious) being entrufled with the publi(hing ofhis Sermons, have thought good ft, it to leper abroad thefe few, which if they receive that welcom they aeferve, many other excellent Pieces ofhis may foon after have encouragement to appear inpublick view. The Points treated ofin thefe, are of great concernment , and therefore we conceive, the Author though in handling of them he had room enough for the difctiifing many ofthe con* troverfies of the times, yet he purpofely waved it, and bent himfelf to the angle de- livery ofthat which tended moll to edification, and bEll (wed with fuck a popular Auditory as that was to whom he fpake. The Lord of Heaven ble(t them to thy Ifiiritual advantage, and enable thee by Pich.means rs thefe to fantlifie his ?tame_ in the ufe of all his Ordinances, which is the defire of Thomas Goodwin, William Greenbil, Sydracb Sympfon, Philip Nye, V.........1. William Bridge, John Yates, William. Adderly.