Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

tto Mofeshu selft-denillll. pe!rS of God fhew their love to hi'm when they 4oe part with much that i; precious and delightfull to fidb and blood. · · Fiftbly)thisgivesGodthe glory of 1 all our pro~perity, which ~ewes we _ac- l knowledg It to be from htm& for htm and due we have it not for our felves: · .~ but. for the fetting forth his pr~ife :. . JI!!~fi~<JBl~jx~JY~_- J,m,!l~,V~_. 9.i_ E.~ ... ~~ .. c.,-e·.·a·.· tu~~~.W~~mn,g,}l}!.~e. thmJihe &ve~~.UJJ§, .t2£L1l9Y. a~ _~e p!~af .;2 ~giv.~sall&QJJ.&,fo~ hirp[elfe, and . where this is much aknow,edged:rhere God is much glorified; if we miftake not Gods meaning, yet at leall we for-~ get upori what t~armes wee receive all our comforts from God, namely, that wee may returne them againe to him ; they arerqe words of a Heathen, thou ':!!?r!~~~~ forgetufl that thou b.~ft received thoft ~;,~~~~-remi things .((peaking ofworldly.profperi-) · '1T.J d.nroJI't- tytoreuirnethemagaine. . · v~l. , ._s.. ixt_hly .._ this gives t_ dHme~y to the Plut. de con;, .-: . . fol_. ad Ap11l. world~ that furelythereare woriaerfull . · lefftd thin'gs,that God acquaints the fol1fewithailin thewaies ofgodlindfe · that there is much fweet and con~entment