Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Mofes hu Se!fe-denit~H. thoft blefftngs th1t God gives us.· '· Be6des what hath beene faid in anf wer to a former objeCtion of the like nature., confider thcfe t\VO things. l Firft, h;1ve you not ra!<en .too much comf<;>rt already in them?~ iHn:1y be~ you have taken more then your lhare, more in one monerh then God ha eh al~ I owed for the wh<:>:e ytere;and.then you have fpent your comflJrt afore h lrl J, ' and had nerdeth: re fore now be willing to· deny yQur feife in that which others may· have comfort in. and thar which othenvi!eyou mightcomfo« ably have enjoyed :as Hofla 9· I. · Rejoyce not oh If rttel ~ Dthtr ~tople; fo 1 may fay to ycu, you are no~ to rejoyce f, much as_o- · thers may. He that h.ath but a hundrtd p'oLind. to mairitaine hirn _the who~e ·• yeere,tfhe ilit,U fpcn~ a1molt all ,oftt , the firft moneth, he li1d neede live vc:ry i fparingly the rea of th~ year:, . Secondly, ·what do~ you with your comfort :when you have it l ,doth it fit you for fervice to God ? hath God fo rrluca rhe mote glory from you, then he bath from' OtherS, by how lnDCh the I more comfort you ~have then others f i · · · · ·· - ·clfe · /