Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

M ores hil s elfo-denlAfl ----- i elfe wherefore" would you have com- , fore, ifnot to lit you for (ervice: curfed '.be that comfort that h~th not an higher end, then mcerely to fatisfie the t\eili. · ·Aad thus much for the time wherein .. Mofos denyed hit11felfe~ it was When he wpgrc~ne up, in the prime ofhistimc, th-=n when he mie.ht have enjoy(!d alhis honours, and pleafurcs to the full. CHAP. IX · I s 1! ~ T • '3• FAith i.r the principle that mup carry throt~gh, ;znd nMkt b1no~able AD tt c hrijiia1JJ {tejferings. , · l3S ·'N 0~ f~lb~ves . th~ third thi~g, · ' wb1ch ts the prmc1ple by whtch MOfes did all this: he is w:lling to part w1 th ail the glory of rhe world, and ratht r robe in an affi i~ed < fta re :, and this he is enabled to doe by faith ;for (o fates t he teXt 1 bJ foitk Mofes ref~fed, &c. h was not outof .tmy fullen vexing humor,as it is reported of DiocleftaYf and }r4axtmiA11 HerculitJJ, they fuddenly gave over thdr I Em.pires,and cafrofhheir honours, and · ~( 4 betooke ___..J---