Burroughs - HP BS2775 B87 1649

Eu(eb.lib. 8. cap•. l)o l Mofes hil $t!Je-dtni411. /. --------------- berooke .themfdves to a· pri vate lite. 1Eufohitl4 mal,es the caufr~ the reof to be a 'phrenzie : And ~icephor11:4 faies it was .:rage and mJdnell~·, Jriftng trcm hence, ;~ecaufe they faw ~hemff Jvcs labour !o '\much!'n vaine,forthe rooting out ofthe Chriftjans. MJfter . Bright:tnttn in his ~~omalentary upon th~. Revel.ttiiJ!J , rhe · ftx~ chap : t~ and the fi tte!.'nth verfe,fJ i f~ it was the fe:ue and the horror of the Lam be that was fh uck into th:;ir he-a ' t1~ py the power ofJefLls C brift s as the f ul~ filling ofthat place, wh eH: it is fa id;the King!oft~ee4rtk; and the gret~t men, And !he mighty men hidthtmfllves,for the{ea re pfthe Ltemhe. Wha rfoe\rer their princr- 'ple was ; Mofes hi<; principl e> hete·wasof anoth.er narurc, a d ; vi~e prin ·:-: iple of , faith; fro.'n ~hence rh ~ point is, Faith il the gr,tce that enahleJ to de1$y the glory 4nddelight f of tbe -,;yorld, and toendltrt af- ' pillions in the caufe of Go~. ~ Every g race \vork~s tO take off the heart fro :-n the ~hings ofth~ world;and give ) firfngrh t:o beare ~ fflitt i ons ;' butfoith ha:h rhP principall \vorkein t his,and in this j4ith rnanifcftsmuch of hF. r glory a~d '~e e- l. lcn~y. · · In ~----~--~---------------------~