Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

•.:·The ·Contcnn. · Pag. . Pag~ . --.....;..;.;....~ ·B Evil, G6tlm~J 1~tjlly.,l#l..i, ~· S ER M0 N. VIIJ•. · i Jr~.,J hu prottflign.fro-./111~ --·---------r-- : j • . ib. 6 B;l.ow the helps of;; c ~~iftian I Aggrav.~t!o.ns ofth~1i.ri of lfli.fr.• . ·I3Z r»Urtttt,•. ,' 7 Bd~-., 'the e.-rpectf1tion :of" a · I Aggr~-~aqol?~ T.he greanr tfu Chrif/itm 1b1d. · mercuJ, the greater the ji11 S Betolil wkat other ChriftiAns - ~f mHr:r'!nrfng I 5o. h;~ ve don~ r 33 '"";"'7""'[-------~ 6 Ev.il, by mHrtnHring we ~~~.do · SE RM0 N I X; . ·aur praytrJ tb. - .-------..,..- 7 EriJ, The efeas _of li_murmu-. 2.. Aggrav.when we murmur for. , ring heart : . . • ! {~all things . · I 57 ~ Lof; ofmt~ch tt11te, ~ ... 13'4- •3-i).ggtav,. l~'ht~t, rj;e,n, Pf ptfrts 2 a,~fitJ?efsfur Dnq. '- . ~ . t!Y..- l .(, dnd llbili#es_ tn!}1:mur I u 8 3 Wic~ed rijings of helirt 1-35 4 .Aggray.q..·kefrmufi •f Gods ""U~thttnkfHinefs . , ibid. mercy . ib. 5 Shifting- ·. 13 8 5 ~ggrav. Dif-contentfor whAt 8 Ev.(il, lJjfco.I!Jten~ tt.foofifofin 111! hav~ •· , "lh ·.1 " •. · J 59 :• · . . }·.. , ip~ 6 .h~g~av .• -''T;Phe'l. men '}.re raifed 1 {rta~e's .Jway.. the., cpmfor;.t. ef \ fro~ a lo~ fO"djtion ib. 'rlhM "e. ;h.Ave • • • >~be. 7 A ggr~x. ,Whf1Hnm ~av_el:wa 2/f'e ct~rmot help our {elves by great jirmers · __ I~• . ·it , . 1 'I 39 8 Agg~av. Whtt~thofe mur!».wr, 3 lt.c~R{tth foolifo c.errittge to . that a're of little ufe in rhe Goda.ruim.a•• . ~ 1 \~bjsJ. 110(,£.d~ . ' .. ··.- . I;6I -4 {Ma~es 01/t the /wut_mfs . of 9 ,J\ggrav,y, murmHr 1Phtn God vnrcies beJorObey cotp_e ib. :is abo:Jt to ·hN,blt us • ib. SIt r~ta~es ajfUfiion worfe 141 10 Aggrav. When ,Gods hand is 9 Evil, It pro7lo~u th~ wrAth. of 1 npp,~ren~ in ajjiiaion , I 61. Gt'd :, · 1, ., tb. Il Aggrav. To mHrmHr N.ndtr J c Evil> Ther~ is a tnr/e 11p~n • long Affiit?ions .. J-~3 . ·it . . Iff.~ Pleas ~fa dJfC€/ntented hearr. 1 I Ev1]., Then £.c. 'tmch of the- I ~_tea, I aw bHt/enfib/1 Df wy' S,pirit ef SatAn in it , I .of.? , .11jfiiCiion u .Evil; It. bring• .an 'Ab[oliu~ 1 Senfe of 11jflilfon ta~n no(,.~ nmffitJ ·ofdif'J!f.iet.·'.: ib. 'IJ~t'}{mfe ofmtr;iu ' I6-) . . ~ [,