Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

. Pag. Pag. flit hl~der1 fio '-dt~tJ ib~ fltGI!oni ibid. Jh[i ,fiJ'K · W'A~! iu !Jfi(i ·'(J.qd f~r 2 We fooulel be 1110re ·t:Areful in .:. wm:rin of ~thtrs ibid. . o1i'r clrrl~grtt~ h J 7'Zr ~ Pt~lfj ~My tr~ubltls for ' m} 6 Plea, The il!Jlicf.ion is IXCU""'. fins, tlinggreat. I It is not, if yoN ,,., mt tro•- . I lt Is not r~ great I.S -thy firu ltltd for fin before · 166 ib. z W,hllt the grt4tejl ' c11re u re- z It rnitl3t :hAve be!H greAter · moilojftil1ion · - ioict 1 -7~ 3 If after affliCtion ~J riw'B'tied, j 'it if grt_~ttrfor thy m~trwlir•.­ . {i,. trsu~lrs ,.ot ibid. ing ib. ii{ there be n•t cAre to a~tJid 7 Plel, It is gruttr tbiln others · fi• A[ur . 1~7 , ajJiiaJo,u: . · 5 ~herds thi •ore ~~~.uJtto ~-c- ,A,.[IIerei. i~J 4 thi~gs ,. ·.174 Gij't of tiu pu;,ifot~~e'nt . ib~ !8PJeaJ/f ~~~Y ' other ~fjMfion 3 Plea> Go~ 'Witbi.rims hirl#- • · they cgu/d be &1J11ttnt · {elf. At){'Wtrtd in f 1hinl1 · 17... I we thitJk., ChJ is JejArtti .9 Plea, My ll[jlifJJ6ni ,,.~, , C,be,. be Jotb hHt t~Jfiif! i68 1 me .un[trviut~ble to (;otl.. 1-'f!if1Jh1tt is i fign ~tid~/.Jife i! Thouzh thou •rt r~~ealf, thou of G1ds dejlfh'Hr~ ' · ib. • , Art A f1mnber •f tht boJJ 176 · ; If G-,d i.tJArt fro'w .'US we '. z Thy generAl <&lllli~g .is bigb fho,;JJ 1m fro• him 169 177 ".f. Plea, I ~w ·troHble'd for ,ens 3 'tho11 ttrt e1u11l '"ith Ang~ls . ill J~~ling. · 1 • . .· 1~. I Men . •re (IQd.t inj1r11tnrnts 4God l~tghly eflur»stbellcl't- . ·, ,_.. ' t7iJ onnf~tJtlin Chriflittns 176 1 11lt fbonhr rAti~r pity them 5 Fttith{14lmfr in 11 iiuan c~l­ . 1h11n murMur 1"7 t ling fh•ll ~~ rtw~rded 1b. 3 ' ,;e h;tve · rithte~Hs MeA/ing , 10 Pl~a. · witb God · · ' i9id. MJ conditio~tiS '!,.fetleJ.\ ~~-·-~-·..:.--~ · I Et~ try '*IJn in his {a led ef/Jte S ER M10 N1 X. · ' is fiAnity I 79 J-~------.....---- i Gotl iJill bA'Tit Hllirrlt in de· 5 !lea, It is an Ajfiifli~lf tb~t I -, ptml~tnce .. . : ibid ~ ., . lo~~ea tHt for. • 3 Thy (piritiill! '~ml·mon ,.,., lit is AJQ/Iy'n~t to /qq~f-tJr '4-. bt/etltl. I St · 11 Plea.