Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

~ S4 7he Rart JeweL of ChriftialJ Contentment!_ more than thy affliction!. We find in Scripture bow the hcly . Gho!t dotl:l aggmvate the fin of difcontent from the con· fideration of mercies, you have a notable Scripture for it in the r6. of NN111b. 8, verre, &c. It'u fpeeclt of M~fes to - Kor11b 1nd his company when they murmured, A.11ri Mofes {•id 11nto ~orab?f1tart I pr~y you, yt f~nl ~f Ltt~l, ( there is fomewha-r-rlrat-you are Sons of Levi ) Samtth it but • fm•ii thing · Hllto yo11, that the God of Ifrael hat/8 [tpAratti you frgm tbt CongrtgAt ion Qf Ifrael, t.t bring you rmr t~ hi•ftlf, to liotht f~rvice of the TllbernA•[t of the Lord; Ana tq flan~ before the C6ngregamn to mirJi(ler unto them ? ](~rah and hts company were murmuring, but mn~ h0w Mofes aggravates this; Sec:med1 it a fmall thing unto you, thlt the God of If,ael hath feparated yo~ from the Congregation of I fraeJ to bring you neer to himfelf to do the fen ice of the Tabernacle of' the Lord? &c. You fee tis a great hGnor that God puts upon aman, a great mercy ' that he doth befioiV upon any man, to feparate him from others for himfelf to come neer him, to impioy bim in the ferv,ice of the 'Tabernacle, to minitler eo the Congregnion in holy things,this i1 a great mercy, and indeed its fuch a mercy as one would thi:~k there lhould be none that God befiows fuch a mercy upon that fuould have a murmuring heart for any afftiaion ; Irs true, m1ny Minifiers of Gocl they meet Nith hatd tning,J that might difconrage them, and trouble and grieve tbeit fpirits, but now this confideration that god is pleated to imploy them in fuch a fervice neer to himlelf, that thou:h they cannor dogood to themfelves, yet they may do good to od1ers, this {hould quiet them: And yet in the 1 o verfe. And he h.ct h brought thee nttr to hirn, •nJ•Itthy Brtrhrm,rh.efomofLevi 'Riththee,•nd fee~Jt the Prit/fhood ~tl[o ? have not yoa enough already f but Hill you are difcontented with that y,ou have, and muf.t have more, fee.lc ye yet more f Su~ye t~t Pritft.hoo-J .:1/o? for 'Rhicb CllH{t i?oth rhoH od ~11 thy t'omp,AnJ 11n ~thertd tot.~.ther .ag·ainfl tht Lord : ADd whttt i·s A11ron that ye mrmmtr agatnft hu:~~ ! what, huh God·given vou· fuch tbings,and yet will you be murmuring, becaufe you ca~not have, more ? Me thinks that this pl ace fi1ou~d keep Minifkn ftom .murmuring, thou~h they ilioufd . . m=