Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

Tht lllf't Jtwtl of ehrijli,n Contentment. I ~9· are at the table of God (fGt fo all Gods admini(lrations to us are his table) and are free cofi, now for as to be ti.1ding falllt,and be difcontented, this iu ~teat Aggrantion of our fin. A Fifth Aggravation of the Ctn of murmuriag is this, whr• "' '" ~•d 'lf(}'*tn ''"""'Mr,. ~nd lfrt Ji[tonttnttd ~tntl imp4titnt1 -whm tht} baflt thl things ..tb4t tht} 'lltrt di{cot~tentttl {11r tlu· JJint of,btfort tluy h~d them. So it is fometimes with dilldreo, they Wtll cry f<6lr fuch a thing, aad when you give it rhem, then throw it away, they are as mucltdifcontented as tbe.y were before. So it was with the childrea of l{r.ttl, nothing would quiet them,but they mufi have a King, Samuel perfwaded them to the contrary, and tolcl them what kind of King they fhould h1ve; and ~hen they ha'd \1 King, in Ho[. 10. 3· wh~tt foll-l/lf 'King Jo tll HJ ? tney were not contented vv hen they had one. S9 Rachet, fue mutl have children or elfe the died, and when the h~d a little trouble fue was difcontented too ; fo· that we are neither well full nor fafiing ( as we ufe to fay.) The fixtb Aggravation of the fin of marmaring is thi~, pg.,. th•[t tlltn ~nd women- to bt difcoutmt And 711UYTNHr that GgJ bath r~ifui from mtAn And low tflates And condition·s ; This is a very great aggravstion if thou be d1fcontent now : There was a time when tbou wertlow enough ; and perb1p5 when thou wert fo low then thoudid'fi fay, 0 if God would deliver me frornfu.~h ~n attlitl:ion, or give me but alittle more·in my efiate, I fuouf<! think my fdf in a. good condition: but if God. by his providence dotb raife thee, thou m as gteedy of mer.! Hill as the~~ wert - before, and as much di(contented as thou wert -before : fb.i.s.-tr an evil thing for people that had mean breeding, and poor beginning for them to be fo nice, and dainty that nothing can pleafe them, whereas there was a time not long fince tharthey were low and mean enengh ; But it is ver.y ordinary- fot thofe that are raifcd from a low and mean condition t0 be tte. more nice: and .dainty, and more proud wben they arce taifed t-han other~ that are of better breeding: It'noo much: for a cb ild cg bedifcontented in his·fathert houfe, bu-t if a man bath taken a. poor begger boy, if you bad,uken fuch a one into y0tu ho:Jfe .- th~t , faybegging at :y\>ut door, and Cet him at you-r o,vn table , could_,