Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

1 S 1 The Rart Jew~l o~Chrijli~ Contentment; - we may trifle away fomeilbatin our trading, but God takes tltat - care (l11l we thould never fpend the flock : As a man when his Son breJks, havin~ fquan~red aw,ty his fi<.lc.k that he gave bim -~before,afterwatds t:e puts his Hock into a friends hand, and faith he, you Chall keep his Hock and it Gull not be at his difpofe J fo we are in a mGre fetled condition in refpea of our etelilaJ eftare than .ddtU» was in innocencie; therefore let that comfort us in all our unfc:tled conditions in the matters of the world. The Eleventh P L EA. But yet there's another reafoning that many murmuring hearts - think to feed their humor withal, (fay they) If I ntver ha4 bw• tn a bet m· conditiOJJ, thm I cou/4 btP~r t!lis ~JfiiEJion , if G1tl hAd a/JJays ~ept me in fo Jow ~condition, I could le crmtent, Oil but therl was a rime that I promi[td rmre,ttnd I h•ut things at 11 more full hand , And thertfore now it is harder tl me t~ lt brot<~ght lo~r, as in tbefe times, perha;s a man that had five or jl).' hmrdred a ;·ear , b11t now h11th had nctbint, f~;r - grtat J>hile, if tbat mAll hAd not bun born to {o tnll,b,or 11ever had prt• /pered in ~"}higher degree than now he is in, thil ajfiialott lutl, bun lefs,perhaps he bath [oflle money and fritntis to live 11pm,but if he had netnr bem in a higher conditi611 he would n•e have a' - 'ounted it fo great a matter to have bun -witboNt it no'lJ; Thi1 many times is eur gre4t eft -,ound tbttt !Jnce we rure in a better con3 dition : a11d this is the rnoft unreafona~/e thing for Hs to murrnH1' upon this ground of Any. - For firll, Is thy eye evil,becaufe Goa bath been g~od to thee heretofore ? It's an ill thing for us to have our eye_e~1l ,be~aufe God is good to ~thers, but to look upon our condlC1on With an evil eye now, becaufe God was once good to us ; bath God. done thee any wrong becaufe he was formerly more good to thee tha-n he was eo others : Secondly, Thou did!.t heretofo_re m~re profper : Did God heretofore give thee more profpcnty ? 1t was to prepare. thee for aCSiC\''ions • we thon!d look at all our <'utward profpcnty as a preparation to affiittion~, if thou badll done fo, the~ i~ would not have been fo difficult for thee to have endured aJflichon now when thou badCl a oreat eflate, yet if thou hadfl made ufe of this mer,ie of God to prepare thee fonhy afflitted eflate, then . tbe