Burroughs - HP BV4647 C7 B87 1670

~ --------------------------~------ Tbe rare Jewel of chrirfitm Contentment. ~ 1 1 difcontented diftemper in their hearts at any time, for them to be reading or finging:he bath it once or twice in that P[Alm,wby art theu caft downe 0 my foul ? In verf. 5. And why Art tho14 difquiewl within me ? hope than in God for I fhal/ yet praife him,for the het'p of his CtJtmtenil.nce, J?~vid _bad ~n?ugh to quiet him, aod that that he h1d,had prevalled 1V1th bts Judgment,but after it had prevailed with hisjudg~enr,he could not g<!t it further.He could not get this grace of Contentment to go through the wh0le frame of the foul. There is a great deal of flir fametimes to gee Contentmem into their judgments, that is , to fatjsfie thw judgments about their condition : Come to many, that tbe hand of God is upon perhaps in a grievous manner, and feek to fatisfie them, and tel them that there. is no (uch caufe to be dtfquieted; 0, not fuch caufe faith the froubled fpirit? 0 then there is no caufe that any !hould be difquieted ; there was never any fuch affii6hon as I have ; and a hundred things they bav~ to put off what is faid to them, fo as you cannot fo much ~s get into their judgments to.fatisfie them; but there is a great 'deal of hope of Contentment, if once your judgments come to be fatisfied, that you can fit downe and fay in your judgment~,I ,fee caufe to be contented;but though you have gotten thus far; yet you may hilve much to do with your hearts after'Nards : for there is fuch unrulinefs in our thoughts and aff~aions, that our judgments are not able alwaies to rule our thoughts and affecti~ns, and thar makes me to fay, That Contentment is an inward, quiet, gracious frame of Spirit, that is th~ whole Soul, judgment, Th~mghts, Will, AffeCtions and all are fatisfied and quiet. I fuppofe iA the very opening this, you begin to fee it is a leffon you had need learn, and it is not a .thing foon got, if Cantentment be fuch a thing as this is. The Second thing is this, whiah is very obfervable", That {piritu~tl •on:entment c ~ rm_s from ~h( fr4me of the So~tl.A man or woman that IS conteRted m a nght way, their Contentment d~th .9ot fo much come .from outward arguments,or any outward th~~g that h~lps them to be content, as it cloth from the difpolitiOn of the1r owf;le hearts ; It is the difpofition of their ovvne hear~s that caufes this Contentment; that brings forth this grac1ous Coo~entment rather than any external thing that D z · dota ) ·