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24 The rdre Jewel ofChri~iAn COnt«ntm~nr •. kind of creatures lbut up with him for twelve rnoneths to"eher, it was a mighty thing,yetGod 111utting him up(though ~he waters were affwaged )Noab wa; not to come: out of theAr k till God bid him : So thoqgh we be lbut up in grea-t affiicbons,and 'Ne may think there may b~ rhis and that and the other means to eome out of that affiichoo., yet till Gcd'doth open the door we fuon(d, be willirg to flay; Gcd bth runs m) :u d Gcd is to bringus out: As we read in theAl1s.of Pau/,when. they had ih ut him in Prifon and vvonld have fen~ him out: Nay, faithPaHl, they thut us io,let them come & f~tLh us ~ut.: Sd'in a holy gracious way lbould a foul fay,well,tht• aflh5bon that I am brought into,it is by-the hand ofGod,and I am content to be here till God brings me out hirnfelf. God cloth require at ·our hands,.that we lbould not be IVIlling to "Come out till he comes ·and fetches us out. In 'fofh. 4• 1 o. you have a notable hiHory there 'that may very ~veil ferve our purpofe; we read of the PrieHs, that the PfieUs. e:t re the Ark and flood in the midfi of Jordan : you kno>v· when the children of Iruel went into the tand of Canaan they went through the River of Jordan: Now the going tiuoogh the river ef Jordan was a very dangerous thing, only -God bad the:n to go, they might have been afraid that the water might have come in· upof! them: but mark, it is' faid, The Priefls th~t bare the Ark._fl ,1od in the midjl of Jordan till every ,thing warfinifhed that the Lord co~nm~tnded Jolhua tofp_eak rmto the People, accvrdin-g to all thatMo[es comfnandetl jofhua, and the People ha (led and pajJed over : and it came to pii[J -whm all the Pe~ p ?~ wer~ c.f~fi~1MJ!.erl o~er, that the Ar~ of the L~r~ paffeJ ev~r, aridfbeP.rte/h tn th~prefence ~fthe people. Novv 1t was Gods difpofe that· a:tl the pe'ople tbonld pafs over firlt; that rbey {hould be fafe upon the land;but the PrieHs they mnfi fland Hill till all the people be paOed over ,and th~n they mu{t have leave - to oo, but they mufi fiay till God vvould have them go, {lay in ~U~h a t dan g~r, foreeftainly in reafon and fen[e theye' was a oreat deal•of danger in !laying: forrhe text faith, the· people baHed-over , bnt rbe priefls they mufl £lay till the people be gone, fiay till SJod calls them out from:rhat phce of d a ~ger; ~ fo many times 1t doth prove that God 1S plea fed to d' tpofe of things fo th l t the Mioifiers mafl: fta y Ion-get in danger· thaf the . . people