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7 he rare Jewel or Chrijtian Conrcnrment i 7 futf~riogs tbat Jefns Chrifl et~dured in his Soul,he powred forth his Soul betore God, then when he fvveat drops of water and b!ocd~he \Vas in an Agony in his very Spirit,and he fou·nd even God hi!Bfelf in a way to forfake him; now the atting thy Faith upon Jefns Chria thus, brings contentment; And js not this a myltery to carnal hearts? A gracious heart finds conten~mem in a way of amyHery: no marvel though Samt Paul fmh, I ~m inftruCI:ed in a Myjhry, trJ be contented in )"fharfoever ~on- , ditiQn I am in. In the Eleventh place, There is yet a further myftery (for this I hope you will find a very ufeful point unto you) and you will fee what plain a way there is,(before we have done) for orJe that is skil'd in Religion to get contentment, though it:s hard for one that is caroal. I fay, the eleventh Myflery in Contentment is this.Agntciosu herrm hathContmtment by fetching ftrength frm; Jejus Chrift, h~ !s.a~leto.bear~isburden by fucbing {treng~h from anot~er·.NOI"-1 tots 1S a n~dle mdeea, and ·it 'NGuld be a ndtculous thmg to be fpoken of m the S<.hools of Philofophers, to fay, If there be·a burden upon you, you mu£1: fetch flrength from another, indeed to have another to come & fland under t~e burden, that ~vay they would know ; but that you {hal be l.lrengthened by another's flrength that is not neer you to your O).ltward view, that they would think ridiculous : but now a Chrillian finds fatisfaetion in every condition by getting flrength fro~ anotl~er, by going out of it felf to Jefus Chrifi, and by Fatth a&mg up0n 'Chrifl, and bringing the firength,of Jefus Chrifl into its o\Vn foul, and thereby is enabled to bear whatfoever God laies upon him, by the Hrength that he finds from Jefas Chrill, Of his fHinefs ~r; we rec4ive fptce for gro~~ce;there is Hrength in Jefus Chrifl: not only to fanetifie and fave us, but flrength to il1pp0rt us under all our burdens and affiittions aud Chrifl expe&s that when we are and er any burden that vve would a& ourFaith upon him to dwv vertue and flrength ~rom him; the acting of F aitb, that's the great Grace that is to be aa:ed uncJer affii&ions,it's true,other graces fhould be a&ed; but the grace ofF ttith it draws firengtb from Chrifl , in looking upon him that bath the fulnefs of ail flrength to be conveyed into the hearts of all B~Iievers, Now, r - 1f